Silent Tears

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It was late at night. The darkness of the night surrounded the apartment building. More than half of the city was sleeping.

The moon was shining brightly, creating a truly moonlit night.

Moonlight was peeking through the window of the master bedroom where two people were lying in bed. They were lying in the same bed at a distance to each other.

They were together in the room, but they were far away from each other.

This togetherness meant nothing.

Unable to fall asleep, one being was tossing in the bed. After a long hectic day sleep should have engulfed her but she was still awake, tossing restlessly.

"What's wrong with you?" Her restlessness was noticed by her companion.

He was soundly sleeping.

When did he wake up?

She was not expecting him to wake up and talk to her. They weren't talking much to each other these days.

"Nothing" She didn't say much.

What else she could say.

She could never share her thoughts with him. He wasn't the right person to understand him.

He wasn't the right one for her.

"Aren't you feeling sleepy?" He asked in his husky voice.

"I want to sleep, but I can't" She turned her face towards him.

She couldn't see his face properly. The faint moonlight in the room wasn't enough to see his features.

"It's okay. Close your eyes and try to sleep" He patted her shoulder and closed his eyes again.

He was tired and just needed sleep.

He fell asleep again in the next few minutes.

She lay flat in the bed, her eyes were fixed at the ceiling. She had strange emotions in her eyes.

Before her marriage life was so different full of thrill and now it was nothing but comprise.

She was lost in her thoughts.

Thinking about her life.

About herself.

After being selfless for the whole day, at night she was thinking about her own happiness and satisfaction.

She got nothing in her hands.

Neither was she happy nor satisfied.


As she walked through the mall, her eyes were tracking one couple after another.

Holding hands, these couples appeared to be happy. Some had children with them. Some appeared to be newly married. Some were old, but one thing they had in common.


It could be seen on their faces. The smiles on the faces were enough to convey it.

They had what she lacked in her life.

She understood real life wasn't as happy as fairy tales, but she considered others to be more content with their lives.

She sighed and averted her gaze to her partner. He was walking beside her. They weren't holding hands nor talking to each other.

They had came to mall for monthly shopping. It was just a ritual, to fulfill some needs and responsibilities.

Nothing else.

Their relationship wasn't normal.

They stepped into a female clothing store. She knew she at least had to buy something to end this torture. He wouldn't leave without her getting something for herself.

She didn't take much time to decide. She chose a black dress from the first display her eyes landed on.

After getting her dress, they shopped for groceries.

"You want to dine out or want to have take away?" He asked her while getting into the car.

"Take away" She whispered.

She didn't want to see anymore happy faces while sitting in the restaurant. She had enough of it today.

After getting the food they left for home.

During the whole time one thing remained consistent between them.


Sitting together at the dining table, they were having dinner. Silence was the like third person between them.

They finished there meal silently. After that she did the dishes and he watched a boring documentary on TV.

After finishing her chores, she joined him on the sofa with two cups of coffee. He picked up on the cups and took a sip.

Together they were watching the boring documentary about mammals. Nobody was interested in the topic but what else they could do.

They had to pass time.

Later, they both joined each other in the bed. They slipped on the opposite sides of the bed leaving some distance between them.

Without saying a word to each other both fell asleep and another day ended on the same note.

Life wasn't exciting for them.

Every other day was same.

Boring and dull.

But it wasn't always the same as it was now. Life was different before marriage. They were happy in their own lives.

She was a completely different person.

He was a completely different person.

They were not strangers when they got married. They knew other very well but, this unwanted relationship and the reason for this alliance killed their happiness.

What was the reason they were tied together?

It all started 2 years ago...


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