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He caressed her cheek with the back of his fingers. His other hand cupped her face.

"Galti bhi khud karti ho phir naraz bhi nahi hony deti" His voice was calm and composed.

(You commit a mistake and don't even let me be angry at you)

"What did I do" Asked by her innocently.

"Don't you know what you did. You accused me of cheating Liyana!" He calmed himself, he didn't want to raise his voice at her again.

"I didn't.." She whispered.

"Now clearly tell me the thinking behind this absurd accusation of yours. I have already asked you many times because I could see you are disturbed. You on the other hand never bothered to share it with me. Speak up now" He commanded authoritatively.

"I wasn't liking your attention towards her. Everyone in the university was gossiping about you and her. I have seen her going into your cabin.

I thought you don't like me that's why you..you are attracted to her. You don't consider me your wife. You wanted a partner that's why you are interested in her, as we don't have any...special bond between us.

I was hurt to think that I will loose you. I can't share you with anyone" She looked so devasted, sharing her thoughts.

Ezad watched her silently. She was hurting herself because of these baseless thoughts. He felt bad for her.

At the same time, he felt immense love for this innocent wife of his.

He had to handle her gently.

"First of all, Miss Izzah is just a colleague of mine. Nothing more than that. She isn't even my friend. Can you now guess my relationship with her, with the words I use to call her" He started giving explanation.

"Do you?" He asked for her answer.

She simply nodded.

"I was talking to her because my friend is interested in her. He wants to marry her but Izzah was interested in me. She proposed me and I refused to her by saying I am a married man.

I wanted to make her agree to marry my friend that's why I was having meetings with her. People watch and pass judgement, it's a common gossip topic among students in institutes. That's why I don't let you come in my cabin because someone will see us and we will be the next gossip. I can tolerate anything on myself, but nothing on you.

And your stupidity made you think she is my girlfriend" He shook his head in annoyance.

"I am not stupid" She didn't like being called one. She was relieved after hearing the details.

He was only hers.

"Yes, you are stupid. You have a little brain which can't comprehend anything" He touched her temple.

"You are insulting me" She complained.

"And what you did to me yesterday. Didn't you insult me?" He asked looking into her eyes.

"Sorry!" She muttered in a low voice, he hardly heard.

"I couldn't hear it" He posed.

"I am sorry!" She said loudly this time.

"Forgiven" He held her hands in his and looked into her eyes who lowered her gaze. She remembered the other thoughts she just shared with him.

He was about to talk about this matter now.

You dumbess why did you say this to him, she mentally cursed herself.

"You said I don't consider you my wife. Liyana! You are the most important person in my life. I have married you. Although we haven't taken a step ahead in our relationship but that doesn't mean I don't consider you my wife. At this stage, considering is irrelevant, as you are my wife. Nothing can change it" He did touch the topic she didn't want to talk about.

She wanted to take her words back which were making her embarrassed now.

"You are my wife and you are perfect for me. I am very interested in you. As far as the other topic is concerned..." He was cut off by her.

"It's okay"

"No, it's not okay. Listen to me! When we got married you were so young, due to our age gap I simply couldn't make a relationship with you at that point. It wasn't easy for me either. I never wanted to hurt you, not just physically but mentally too.

Not even a year ago, you have suffered a big loss. You weren't in the right mental state to be in a relationship with a man you never even thought about. I have taken care of you as best as I could. I just wanted to make your life easy.

Meri jaan! I was giving you time to adjust with me, to accept our relationship, to understand the true meaning of the husband wife's relationship. I wanted you to be more mature. During this time, I have also done much injustice to myself. For you I have tolerated much" He revealed his reasons to her.

Liyana felt a sense of pride having this lovely man in her life. All he ever did was to take care of her.

And how wrong she took him. She was ashamed of herself for being disrespectful to him.

She just nodded, she wasn't in the state to answer him. She was dying in embarrassment.

"From how long you are thinking about your marital rights" He asked holding his smile back.

"Ezad! Don't tease me" She flinched, moved her hands away from his.

"Why are you embarrassed baby! It's okay. I am your husband" He released a chuckle.

She didn't speak nor raised her eyes to meet his heating gaze.

"I think you are mature enough to understand our relationship. So, dear wife! I won't deprive you of your marital rights nor will I suppress my desires any longer" He said in his heavy voice.

Liyana closed her eyes as he leaned down his face at hers.

A moment later, his lips crashed to hers. Taking her delicate petals, he covered her mouth with his. She got hold of his strong arms as he cupped her face in his hands.

A wave of shiver ran through her whole body.

He moved back as they both gasped for air. She looked something in his eyes, she had never seen before. It was the heat of desires.

"I am yours jaan! Never doubt me again" He said before their lips met again.

His hands moved to turn off the lights as she rested her head on the pillow. Moments later, she closed her eyes feeling his hand moving on her body.

The peaceful night and the bright moon witnessed the true love of a husband for his wife.

A man's love for his woman.


Ek hi dil hy Ezad, kitni bar jeeto gy😭🫶

Lo bhai mil gaya chain ab hogaya sab clear😂

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And how was the chapter?

Btw the story isn't completed yet😊

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