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Zohal saw a woman in her late fifties walking through the entrance. She was a graceful lady. She wasn't familiar with her but Zarrar's reaction shocked her. He was staring at that lady unbelievably.

As if he wasn't expecting her to be there.

His fingers curled into a fist. She could see anger in his eyes. He was angry but why. She couldn't understand anything.

The woman walked to them.

"Kese ho Zarrar?" She fixed his gaze at Zarrar.

(How are you?)

"Zinda hoon" He remained silent for a few seconds and mumbled later, looking straight at her. He had fire in his eyes.


"I am very happy to see you after so many years" She smiled at him.

Zohal observed that the woman's eyes were glistening. She saw them both curiously.

"But I am not happy to see your face. Never come in front of me again" He held her hand tightly and was ready to leave when the woman said.

"Is she my daughter in law?" Her eyes were fixed at Zohal now.

"No, she is nobody to you neither I am" He snapped at her and left with me.

"Who was she, Zarrar?" She asked him, walking behind him.

"Nobody" He muttered.

"Please tell me. Is she your mother?" She said.

"Shut up. Just shut up! Don't talk about her again. Do you understand that?" He turned around and snapped at her.

"I am just asking.." She tried to speak.

"And I said, shup up" He yelled.

He took her into the car. During the whole ride, no one spoke. Zohal was crying silently at his harsh behavior. She never knew what was wrong with him. He was a mad man. He could be enraged at any time due to anything.

She was scared of his anger.

He was locked inside the room. Zohal sat in the living area. Her mind was stuck at that lady. She was behaving as if he was Zarrar's mother but why he was so angry.

As per her knowledge, she knew that his mother died in his childhood.

She pressed her forehead, gathered her courage and walked to the bedroom. To her surprise the door wasn't locked. She entered the room.

He was sitting at the edge of the bed. His eyes were fixed at the floor. He was lost in his thoughts. He didn't acknowledge her presence otherwise he would look up at her.

He couldn't ignore her, not anymore.

"Zarrar!" She called him softly, took step towards him.

He looked up at her.

"Are you fine?" She sat next to him on the bed and held her hand in her both hands.


"What's wrong with you?" She caressed his long fingers. He felt a soothing sensation in his body. Her touch sent peace to his aching body.

"Nothing" He mumbled.

"I am your wife Zarrar! I love you. I have no one in my life expect you. You are very special to me. I can't see you stressed. You can always share with me what's bothering you" She knew what he wanted to hear.

He wanted her to show her love to him. He always liked that when she open up to him.

"Zohal!" He whispered helplessly.

"What's bothering you Zarrar! Please tell me!" She tightly held his hand.

He got silent but couldn't avert his gaze from her. He was staring into her eyes. She gave him an encouraging smile.

"S-She was my mother" He mumbled.

"I thought your mother died in your childhood" She whispered.

"It's a lie" He released a hollow laugh.

"Why?" She couldn't understand.

"Because I am a bastard" He sudden blasted.

Her eyes widened in shock at his words.

"My parents were never married. They had an affair and she got pregnant with me. They never had decency to got married after that because they weren't serious with each other. She couldn't abort me because of her health conditions so she unwillingly gave birth to me and left me to my so called father who never treated my like a son. He always treated me like a plague. He hated me because I wasn't legitimate" He suddenly blasted.

His eyes had tear in them. Zohal's heart crushed seeing him like that. She never saw him in this miserable condition.

He rested his head on her shoulder and started crying silently. Zohal's hand wrapped around his head. She ran her fingers through his hair. She had tears in her own eyes.

"I was never wanted Zohal! My mother left me and my father never loved me" He told her painfully.

The pain in his voice crushed her heart. She never knew he was so traumatized. His childhood was so abnormal. He was just like her, treated badly for something he wasn't responsible.

"They committed a sin. They should hate themselves for it. Why they hated me. I wasn't a part of anything" His tears soaked her shoulder.

"Zarrar please stop crying" She kissed his forehead.

"My heart is aching Zohal!" He moved back and looked into her eyes. His eyes were red and cheeks wet with tears.

She silently stood up from her place, stood in front of him and pulled him into a hug. He wrapped his hands around her waist and rested his head on her chest.

"You aren't a sin Zarrar! You are a human being. You deserve love and care. Your parents should be ashamed of their wrong doings, on their sin. You are innocent. You didn't deserve this harsh treatment. I am so sorry!" She patted his head.

"Everyone hates me" He mumbled.

"Not everyone. I don't hate you. I love you so much" She said truthfully. Whatever it was he was the only person she got along. He did mattered to her even after his harsh behavior.

Now she could understand his behavior. He wasn't ready to leave her because he was insecure that she might leave him too.

"I love you Zohal! You are the only person who matters to me. Please don't leave me" He begged to her.

"I won't leave you. I promise to you" She knew how to handle him now.

"I can't live without you" He murmured.

"I will die if you left me" He added sadly.


Poor Zarrar💔

No human deserve such treatment.

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Are you understanding his character?  He couldn't be normal after such a rough childhood.

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