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Ezad's eyes roamed in the whole lecture hall. His eyes caught two boys murmuring to each other in the last row.

"Last row" That was all he said in his deep voice.

His colleagues who were at the duty with him also averted their eyes at the boys who were cheating in the exam.

All the head in the hall turned towards the last row where two boys were silent now. They were little confused to see everyone's eyes at them.

"You want me to cancel your paper?" He asked standing in the middle of the stage.

No one among them spoke.

"A word again and I will cancel your exam. Everyone pay attention to your paper" He walked in front of the stage.

"Sir!" A sweet voice called him.

He could easily understand who called him.

"Yes" He walked to the third row from where he was called.

"Please ye bata dain mujhy bhool gaya hy" Liyana whispered to him.

(Please tell me this answer to this question. I forget it)

Ezad saw him unbelievably who was watching him with puppy eyes. She was unbelievable.

"Khud karo shabash" He glared at her to warn her for not asking any favor from him again.

(Do it by yourself)

Liyana stared him for a second but she knew he won't help her.

She remembered him saying,

"Don't ever expect from me that I will help you in your exams. Neither I will tell you about exam questions nor I will help you during the exam. I can't allow any cheating. You have to do it all by yourself like a good student. Make me proud.

I am always there for help. You want to understand anything. I will explain it to you whenever you will ask"

He used to teach her economics at home. He used to help her in other subjects too. His method of teaching was simple but unique of its own. Every student liked his method of teaching.

He was indeed a wonderful teacher. He was also a man of his words. He had set rules for himself. He wasn't ready to break them for anyone.

Not even for her.

Liyana saw him unhappily why he was so strict regarding his rules. She finished her paper and handed it over to him.

She was constantly watching him while collecting her cell phone from the stage.

He sat on his chair and had a quick look of her paper. He hid his smile as he quickly read the answer she gave to the question she asked from him. It was completely wrong.

It was like she wrote south instead of north.

He put her paper on the table with others and took out his cell phone from his pocket.

As Liyana walked out of the lecture hall, a message popped up on her cell phone.

Except that one question everything else is fine. Now relax, you will get good marks. Go and eat something. You didn't have breakfast today.

She smiled reading his message. Her hands typed a message,

Why should I not be worried? It isn't like you are going to give me any favor.

She got a reply in seconds,

Of course not.

She smiled and walked towards the cafe.

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