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"My father hates me" Zohal told him.

"Why?" He asked.

He didn't know about her family terms. He always thought that due to her father's second wife she was reluctant to meet them.

They were sitting in front of the fireplace, wrapped in blanket, in each other arms. For Zarrar, her presence in his life was everything.

"My parents had a love marriage and my mother died on my birth due to complications in her delivery. My father always held me responsible for the death of his beloved wife" She told him sadly.

"I can't believe that Zohal! Why our parents don't understand that we have nothing to do with anything" He carresed her hands.

"Only if they understands" She laughed humorlessly.

"What about Gul Bano?" He asked.

"She is a vile woman" She murmured.

"I never thought your childhood would be similar to mine" He told her.

"We never know through what other person is going through" She smiled sadly.

"I am sorry for treating you bad at the start and even now-I-I sometimes behave harshly with you" He looked ashamed.

Zohal knew it wasn't in his control. He had changed himself a lot but he couldn't change himself completely in a few months. It needed time and she was gladly ready to give it to him.

"It's okay" What else she could say?

"Zarrar!" She called him gently.

"What?" He replied, looking up at her.

"This cottage belongs to your mother. Isn't?" She asked.


"How did it come under your ownership?"

"She passed it herself to me when she left me at my father's place. It's the only thing she ever gave me" He told her sadly.

"If you hate your mother then why do you live at the same place that once belonged to her?" She couldn't understand.

"Maybe because-I want to have some-connection, with her" He completed with difficulty. His eyes were glistening.

Zohal saw him sadly. His mother rejected him badly and he just wanted to have some connection with her to feel the motherly affection he never had in his life.

"It's not right" She decided to discuss it with him.

"You have to let it go. If you keep holding your past, you won't ever move on. We need to move out of this place to make a future. This place doesn't matter if your mother never loved you. Things doesn't matter but people. This place will only complicate our relationship. I want to get out of it. I want you to get out of your past. We have each other. We will make our own life" She tried to make him understand.

"But I am comfortable here. I don't like crowded places" He told her.

"You will get comfortable once you starts living among people Zarrar! I feel so alone here. I will get mad if we keep living here. Do you want to lose me?" She touched his weak point.

"Never. I can't survive without you. You have changed my life. I can't even think of losing you" He said emotionally.

"Then move to the city. I will be with you. There won't be any problem. You would be comfortable" She insisted.

"I can't Zohal!" He said helplessly.

"I am not asking you to move out tomorrow. Take your time. Make your mind. I can wait" She understood him. It wasn't easy for him to change his life suddenly.

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