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Her gaze was fixed at the picture displayed on the wall of her parents house.

In the picture an old couple was sitting on the chairs and two young girls were standing behind them with big smiles on their faces.

Hala smiled with tears in her eyes.

It was her favourite picture as it was the last photograph of them as a family of four.

After a few weeks of taking this photograph, her father passed away and a year ago she had lost her sister in a car accident.

Life was unpredictable.



Abu and Naba was gone from this world but they were alive in her memories. One after one loss of life shattered her and her mother.

They were heart broken.


Today they were going to sale this house. They were busy in packing for last whole week. Today was the last day, tomorrow this house wouldn't be their.

The ownership would be changed.

After Hala's marriage her mother already left this house. She was living with her brother now. Neither her uncle wanted her sister to live alone nor Hala wanted her mother to be alone.

"Everything else has been packed. It's the last piece left" Aban stood beside her and pointed towards the picture.

She moved behind silently giving him space to remove the photograph from wall.

Standing in the middle of empty hallway she saw the walls of her beloved home. Everything was gone.

It was just a memory now.

Memories of Abu and Naba.

She controlled herself for the last week but she couldn't take it anymore. She had to let it go off her shoulders.

She burst out in tears.

She was letting go of what was building inside of her for the past few weeks.

Aban was hurt watching her crying bitterly. He walked towards her and wrapped his arms around her giving her a safe place to cry.

It was his duty.

It was her right.

Resting her hand on his left shoulder she wrapped her arms around his waist. His shirt was soaked with her tears.

"Sssshh It's going to be alright" He patted her head.

"I miss them. This house was their last memory" She cried her heart out.

"I can understand you. I know this pain. I lost my father years ago but I still miss him. We can't forget our loved ones Hala!  We just learn to live our lives without them. This is what life is. It's painful but that's what it is" He was whispering in her ear.

It was the longest conversation they had in few days.

Otherwise their relationship was hollow with no depth and connection.

Now they were having an intimate moment for the first time.

It was special.

He gave her some time to settle down. After that he unwrapped his arms from her body.

They were still standing close to each other. Their eyes were fixed on each other.

Her eyes were red from the crying session.

His eyes held deep sadness.

"Don't cry now" He gently brushed his hand against her cheeka, wiping her tears away.

"We should leave now" She nodded at her husband and left the place what was used to be her home once.


Aban rushed to the hospital after receiving a call from a stranger. His brother and sister in law had an accident.

The details told by the strangers were taking the life out of him. He called Naba's cousin and informed him about the accident. They both reached the hospital at the same time.

They rushed to the emergency room where the heartbreaking news shattered them.

"I am sorry. The woman was already dead by the time she was taken to hospital. The man has survived but his condition isn't stable yet. Pray for him" The duty Doctor informed them.

Aban eyes filled in tears with no time.

A female doctor standing behind the stretcher saw him with sympathy.

Naba's cousin helped him during the whole ordeal. From informing everyone to arranging Naba's last rituals he helped him.

His house was filled with people. His mother, Hala and her mother were crying bitterly. They were still in shock.

Nobody thought that a happy couple going to dinner would never come to home. One was dead and one was in hospital.

Azaan was lucky to be safe as he was given in his grandmother supervision. The poor boy didn't know he lost his mother and his father was near to be dead.

Sleeping in the arms of Aban's cousin, little boy was unaware of his surroundings.

Aban didn't know what to do.

He couldn't console anyone.

There was nothing left for them.

The dreadful night ended. Naba was rested to her last place. Her husband, Aliyan was still unconscious.

Hala was sitting on the stairs in the lawn after offering her fajar prayers.

She heard footsteps near her.

"I don't know what will happen next" Aban muttered and sat near her leaving a distance between them.

"There is nothing left for me. I hope you don't feel the same pain. Allah give life to Aliyan bhai" She wiped her tears.

"No words can take your pain away. She was so good to me. I can't believe she is gone" He covered his face with his hands and said in a teary voice.

Both were crying silently.


I cried writing this chapter😭

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