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My dear readers! Kindly add my new  book 'Storm of Love' to your libraries and reading list🤍

"What?" He said, rising up from the couch.

"Yes. I have talked to mamu. He gladly offered me a seat in his company" She sweetly emphasized on the word his mamu, to make him realize that he had no say in anything.

"Ohh so you have decided everything" He asked controlling his anger. He didn't want to scream at her not at least today just after one day of opening herself to her.

His expressions made Eiliyah a little happy.

"Yes. As mamu is my only guardian. I have made by decision after discussing it with him" She explained calmly.

"What about me?" He pointed at himself.

"What? What about you?" She asked innocently.

"Lastly I remember, I am your husband. You need my permission to make your decision" He boasted about his importance in his life.

"You have already made my position clear in your life. So I don't think we need to play this husband wife thing. I can make my decision" She had seriousness in her voice which he never felt before. She always had sweetness in her voice for him. He wasn't used to such tone.

"Yeah I have made your position clear in my life. You do matter to me Eiliyah! A lot" He reminded her.

"Thank you but I don't need your vigilance now"

He could see she was mad at him.

"Do whatever you want to do" He mumbled before going into the balcony.

She calmly placed her stuff into her wardrobe. Freshen up herself. Lying down at her bed side she turned on the TV. Her eyes caught a punjabi movie airing on a channel.

She giggled watching the movie. Badr's eyes were fixed at her. She was lost in herself. She didn't bother to ask him if he wanted anything.

"Coffee bana do" He asked her. All he wanted was some attention of her.

(Make me coffee)

She silently picked up the intercom.

"Asra! Ek cup coffee bhijwa dain room main" She asked the helper sweetly.

(Asra! Send a coffee cup in my room)

"I asked you to make it" He told her unhappily as she cut the call.

"You wanted coffee. Right. So, you are getting it" She shrugged her shoulders.

"But I want you to make my coffee" He said seriously.

"I am busy. This movie is amazing. You should watch it too. It's too funny" She said to him casually and averted her gaze back to the TV screen.

After five minutes, the bedroom door was knocked. Eiliyah walked to the door and received the cup thanking the helper.

She walked to the balcony holding the cup where her husband was sitting with off mood.

"Your coffee" She passed him the cup.

"I don't want it" He looked away like a little angry child.

"As you wish" She mumbled and touched the cup to her lips. Sipping the bitter coffee she walked back into the room.

After a minute, he came into the room. He snatched the cup from her hand and sat on his side of the bed. Resting head back on the headboard he started sipping the coffee that didn't taste usual as it wasn't prepared by his wife.

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