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"Ahann don't be stubborn Lina" A voice echoed around her.

Liyana shook her head and turned her face on her right side where a little boy was standing holding a toy in his both hands.

"I really like kids" She heard another sound.

It's nothing but my illusion. She tried to ignore it.

She waved at the little boy who was constantly looking at her. A cheeky smile appeared on his face. His father held him in his arms and walked inside of his house but didn't forget to pass a light smile to her for engaging with his child.

They lived in the next apartment to them. It was a big apartment building in a newly developed society. It was also situated near the University.

She kept standing at the balcony for few minutes. She was holding a glass of mango juice, after drinking it, she walked inside of her apartment.

Her eyes caught her husband who was leisurely laid down on the couch.

After waking up from his afternoon nap, he was fixed at one place in front of the TV screen. They didn't get a chance to talk. He was completely focused on the TV screen.

She glared at the TV screen before going to the kitchen. She placed the glass on the kitchen counter and walked to the couch.

Sitting next to him, she fixed her gaze on his face.

"What are you watching?" She asked a lame question. Of course she could see what he was watching.

He saw her for a mere second and then averted his attention back to the intense game.

"Match" He mumbled.

"A cricket match? Football match? Hockey match?" She didn't stop asking meaningless questions.

"Football match" He didn't mind her questions, replied softly.

"Which teams are playing?"

"Brazil and Germany"

"Who is playing more efficiently?"


"Which one do you like to win?"


"Which team has Ronaldo?" She asked innocently.

"None" He laughed lightly.

"What's so funny?"


"Then why you laughed?" She asked seriously.

"Can't I laugh?" He asked jokingly.

"No, you can't"

"Why?" He looked at her face who was busy staring at him, resting her face on her both hands which rested on her knees.

She looked serious.

"Because you are a professor" He realized, she wasn't joking.

"WHAT?? Can't professors laugh?" He tried to control his laughter this time.

"No. If they don't laugh in class, they should not laugh anywhere else also. They should maintain their personalities"

"I am not in university right now. I am sitting at my home"

"But I am your student"

"And you are my wife, Silly girl!" He shook his head with a bright smile on his face.

"You are silly" She clearly minded his words.

"Okay as you say. Let me watch the match. Please sit quietly!" He requested.

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