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Burak was pacing the lawn. He was still in anger. He was still not over what happened a few minutes ago.

He didn't think, she would misbehave with his parents. When she started doing this, he lost his temper.

Why the hell did she come into this house if she wasn't willing to talk?

What was the point?

He stopped at his place hearing a few footsteps. The person he least wanted to see right now, appeared at the sight.

He saw her with dislike.

Maliha wasn't expecting to see him either. She just wanted to breath in fresh air but it wasn't possible anymore in his presence.

What did he think of himself?

"What else has left to say" He asked crossing his hands at his chest.

"Did I say anything?" She asked calmly.

For a moment, he was silenced by her words. She wasn't saying anything wrong. She hadn't uttered a word.

"Excuse me!"


"What do you want?"

Maliha saw him silently for a few seconds.

"Am I talking to you?" She asked again with different choice of words.

"Then why are you standing here" He asked.

"Because this is my house. I can stand here. I don't need your permission to stand anywhere" She shrugged her shoulders.

She didn't want to be rude again.

But, he was forcing her to be rude with him.

"Your house" He mocked,

"When did it become your house? You don't accept that poor man as your father. Then how you are acting like an owner of this place"

She looked at him for a second.

"You don't realize what he did to me?" She wanted to know why he was being so reasonable.

"I do, but that doesn't give you any right to disrespect us"

"I did nothing. You made a fussy"

"Oh come on!" He released a small chuckle.

"Why don't you understand me?" She asked simply with composed voice.

"UNDERSTAND YOU FOR WHAT" He poured his anger out at her once again.

"You think whatever happened a few minutes ago was just my mistake. For God sake I am your guest!"

"And you disrespected my parents wasn't a mistake? You made him shout at me for nothing" That was his real problem.

"I didn't not mean that" She tried to clear herself.

"I am not interested in your meanings Ma'am. You are daughter of my uncle that's why I was trying to say something. But if you don't consider us anything then there is no point of talking" He pointed his hand towards the door, practically asking her to leave.

He averted her gaze from her.

Maliha didn't know why was she still standing there.

"What do you think of me?" After few seconds, she asked.

"So you want to hear what I think of you. But the question is why you want to hear my opinion when I am simply nobody to you" He repeated her words.

"My question is the same Burak!" He called his name for the first time.

"You want to hear it, then be with it. You are nothing but an arrogant girl. Proud of your nationality. Have no manners whatsoever.

You are just hurting an old man for his mistakes on which he is repenting but you don't care. You live in your world where you think you are a queen and everyone else has to obey you. You will say shut up and we will shit up. You will ask about our opinions and we will just obey your orders. Who the hell do you think you are?

This isn't England where you would do anything and no one will stop you. I can deal with negativity like you. You entered our lives a few days ago. The moment you entered my house, our peace has gone. I feel negativity everywhere.

What exactly do you want? Our money? Your rights on your so-called father's money. That's why you are here. Aren't pounds enough for you?

You are nothing but a mean, self centered girl" He blasted at her with a hint of hatred in his voice.

His words were venomous.


Maybe, he even himself didn't realize what he had said. He didn't just utter those words, he threw stones at her with his words.

Maliha didn't interrupt him even for a second. She kept hearing him. He wasn't stopping.

She never knew, she had to hear these words, from someone who was related to her by blood.

It was hurting.

She was badly hurt by his words.

"I don't need to justify myself to you Burak Ahmed. I tried to give you respect as my cousin but you don't deserve it. Whatever problem I have with my father. It is none of your business. So stay away from me and my problems!" She was composed unlike him.

She had uttered some words in the heat of the moment that didn't mean, she wanted to be rude to him for no reason.

Then he provided her a reason himself but, she wasn't like him.

She turned away and walked out of the door that she crossed in hope of some fresh air and peace.

Burak released a long sigh and covered his face in both hands.

The realization hit him.

'What the hell have you done Burak' He mentally scolded himself for saying such harsh words to her.

He had a very rough day at work. He was already upset when he arrived home. Later in the evening, he had words with Maliha.

He wasn't calm nor polite.

And now he had said those harsh words which he didn't actually mean. He didn't want to attack her on a personal level.

He had vented out his anger but his mind wasn't at peace.

He made a big mistake.

She was just a guest. Why did he talk so harshly to her. She was right, he shouldn't be involved in her personal matters.

Personally, he was mad at himself, he hadn't shown is kind of behavior to any woman.

He respected women. Now, he was doubtful about himself.

What happened to him today. He himself was in shock.

'I should not have said it to her' He shook his head.

His regret wasn't going to change anything.


Burak has made a big mistake.

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