Chapter Eight - Announcement

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Kenna wrapped her arms around herself and tried to block out the chill as she sat on the wooden rails of the Garrison Refugee camp. Her eyes scanned the crowd. The person she was looking for finally showed up to the square and headed over her way.

"I was beginning to think you would never come," Kenna said as she handed the bag full of bread and other rations she had managed to scrounged up to Armin.

"Sorry," Armin said as he took the bag from her. "Eren has been making the us take rotations to watch the board. He says he heard someone talking about an announcement that they were going to make."

"Any theories of what this announcement could be?" Kenna asked.

"Just one," Armin said. "I think they're going to drop the age of enlistment."

Kenna's jaw dropped, "Do you really think they'll do it? I mean, I know the military is desperate to get their numbers up, but do you think they'll cross that line. The age of enlistment is already fifteen. If they drop it any lower, it won't be adults coming out of the Cadet Corp, it'll be teenagers."

"I don't see what other choice they have," Armin said. "The fall of Wall Maria just seemed to make people even more scared. The only people who aren't are the kids like us who either lived through it or kids wanting to show that they're brave."

"ARMIN!" Eren's voice ripped through everything else. "THEY MADE THE ANNOUNCEMENT!" Eren and Mikasa stopped in front of Kenna and Armin. Eren looked more excited than Kenna had ever seen before. "You were right! They dropped the age of enlistment."

"How young?" Kenna asked.

"Day of enlistment is the first day of spring next year," Mikasa said. "As long as you're twelve by the end of the year, you qualify."

"Twelve?" Armin said. "They must really be desperate."

"Does it really matter?" Eren said. "The three of us always planned to enlist."

"Good to know that I'll at least know a few people," Kenna said.

"You're enlisting?" Eren, Armin, and Mikasa asked all at once.

"Why would you do that?" Armin asked. "You're the heir to the Dressler Estate."

"I can't sit back and do nothing," Kenna said. "The Titans took everything from me. I can't bring back my family, but I can avenge them and take back our home." Kenna shifted from one foot to the other. "Besides, the military is going to be begging for my help in a few years anyway when they realize the things I can come up with."

"Kenna," her uncle's voice caught her attention.

"I have to go," Kenna said. "I don't know the next time I'll be back, but is there anything that the three of you need."

"No," Mikasa shook her head. "Thanks for asking."

"I'll see you guys later," Kenna said as she turned away from the trio.

Kenna walked over to her uncle and got into the cart. She pulled the blanket around her shoulders as her uncle took hold of the reins. Their journey home was primarily filled with silence. It was too cold to do much of anything. Kenna just hoped that Miss Mary had something warm on the stove when they returned. Snow started to fall as they reached their estate. It was like the land was adding another layer of blankets to it. Kenna walked into the house and took off her wet clothes. She went into the kitchen and stood by the fire. It felt so nice after being in the cold for so long.

"Looks like the two of you had a long day," Miss Mary said as poured some soup into the bowls. "Away from the fire and to the table, Kenna."

Kenna heeded Miss Mary's advice and started to eat. She looked up and saw the look of worry on her uncle's face.

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