Chapter Twenty Seven -A Day Trip

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The movement of the cart all but rocked Kenna asleep as Kenna and her friends were taken back to the Dressler Estate. Kenna did her best to keep her eyes open and not fall into Reiner's or Armin's side. The sun was barely peaking over the trees when they arrived to Kenna's uncle's home. Kenna hopped out of the cart. The others followed her out of the cart. She saw Miss Mary walking out the front door and down the porch. Kenna ran up to her.

"Miss Mary," Kenna said as she wrapped her arms around Miss Mary's middle. "I've missed you."

"Not as much as I have missed you," Miss Mary said as she pulled back. "Look at you. You're starting to look all grown up." She let go of Kenna and examined the friends that Kenna had brought along. "All right, let me see." Miss Mary started at the left of the line. "Based on what Kenna has told me, it looks like we have Mikasa, Eren, Armin, Bertolt, Reiner, and Annie."

"Yes," Armin nodded. "It's a pleasure to meet you. Thank you so much for letting us all come here for the day."

"It is my pleasure to have all of you here," Miss Mary said as she smiled at all of them. "Now, I don't know what they've been feeding you at the camp, but it can't be that good. Kenna, take your friends into the kitchen. I've made breakfast for you all."

There was a chorus of thank you's as Kenna lead her friends into the house. She led them straight into the kitchen. Kenna was impressed with the breakfast spread that Miss Mary had laid out. There were bowls and plates laid out already. Everyone grabbed themselves a bowl of porridge and fresh fruit. There was as a bowl of fresh rolls. Kenna grabbed one.

"Now, I want all of you to eat up," Miss Mary said as she came into the kitchen. "After you're all done, don't worry about the dishes. I'll clean them up while Kenna shows you the house and you all enjoy yourselves for the day." They tried to say something, but Miss Mary wouldn't hear it. "Not a word. You are guests in this house." Miss Mary walked out of the kitchen and left them all alone.

"She is an amazing cook," Reiner said as he ate the porridge.

"Yeah," Eren nodded. "The food at the dining hall doesn't compare to this."

"Is she sure that she doesn't want our help?" Mikasa asked.

"Very," Kenna said as she ate a handful of berries. "I once tried to help her with the dishes and she chased me out of the kitchen with an iron pan. It's just easier to do exactly what she tells you when it comes to her kitchen."

"Why is she being so nice to a bunch of kids she doesn't even know?" Annie asked. "I mean, she's kind of paid to tolerate you, but the rest of us..."

"Annie, you can't say that," Bertolt said as he looked at her with wide eyes.

"It's fine, Bertolt," Kenna said. "Miss Mary is looking at us like one looks at lost baby ducks. I think she has to mother us." Kenna shrugged. "I know it can come on kind of strong, but she really just means well."

Annie didn't say anything. She just went back to eating her porridge.

"Where's your uncle, Kenna?" Reiner asked. "I didn't think he would be too keen on having Bertolt, Annie, and I in his house considering how our first introduction went."

"He's been called to Trost," Kenna said. "There's some official military business that he needs to take care of with Commander Pixis."

"Look at that," Reiner laughed as he slapped Bertolt on the back. "We scared him away."

"Oh hush," Kenna chuckled as she rolled her eyes.

"So, what fun things do you have around here?" Armin asked. "I never thought that I would see the Dressler Estate in person."

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