Military Files: Kenna Dressler

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Name: Kenna Dressler

DOB: November 27th, 835

Town of Origin: Unaffiliated - lives on the Dressler Estate

Family: All deceased with exception of uncle, Karl Dressler

Rank in 104th Cadet Corp: 7th

Branch: Undeclared, but has shown strong preference for Survey Corps


Kenna Dressler shows a strong affinity for working with the ODM gear. Dressler moves with such speed and precision that at times it doesn't even look like she is using her gear. She placed 2nd in her ODM gear training. Dressler is also able to build and rebuild her ODM gear in record time. Dressler has submitted multiple drawings to me that shows a strong understanding of machines; has submitted multiple blueprints for machines designed for killing Titans. Dressler would most likely thrive in the Research Division of the branch she would choose in. Would recommend sending her file to Section Commander Hange since Dressler shows an interest in joining the Survey Corps.

Outside of ODM gear, Dressler shows an innate understanding of military history and is able to follow any direction given. Dressler also shows outstanding endurance among the cadets. I once witnessed her run for almost seven hours straight with no breaks. In hand-to-hand combat, Dressler doesn't have a lot of strength but she is able to use her opponent's strength against them.

Dressler works well in a team-setting. Not so much of a leader, but is able to offer her expertise where needed to make any plans work to the best of their ability. Dressler is willing to the one to step up to danger instead of her teammates. Dressler has formed multiple close friendships within the Cadet Corps and seems to be respected among her peers, but is very closed off and quiet towards those she is not very familiar with. If she is not placed in a Research Division, would recommend placing her in a team with other members of the 104th Cadet Corps.

Overall, Cadet Kenna Dressler will be a valuable asset to whichever branch of the military she joins and should be utilized in regards to her ability to invent and work with machines.

From the office of the Southern 104th Cadet Corps

-Commandant Keith Shadis 

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