Chapter Thirty Eight - Graduation

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Kenna stood with Jean at her right and Marco on her left. They all stood at the ready. The flicker of the torches seemed to throw the shadows of everyone off the walls. Kenna didn't know why she was focusing on that now. Shadis stood in front of them and looked out to the crowd. Kenna saw all of their classmates staring back at them. Kenna wondered where all of them would end up. Would they elect to go to the safety of the Garrison or would they dare to journey where very few dared to go. Kenna didn't expect many of them would make that choice; she didn't blame them.

"You have done what many others have failed to do," Shadis said as he looked at the rest of the students. "You have spent three years of your life preparing to go through hell and have come through on the other side. Do you have heart?" Shadis's voice was louder and echoed in Kenna's ears.


All of the Cadets, well, they weren't Cadets anymore, saluted towards Shadis. Even with a clenched fist, Kenna could feel her heart beating out of her chest. Shadis saying all of these things just made it so much more real.

"As of this moment, you have three options open to you," Shadis told of them. "Choose wisely. The Garrison Regiment, whose job is to reinforce the Walls." Shadis started to go through all of their options once again. It didn't matter to Kenna though; she had had her plan in mind for five years. "The Scout Regiment, who rides out into Titan country to take
back what was once ours. And the MP Regiment, maintaining law and order." Shadis looked towards Kenna and her friends. "Under orders from His Royal Majesty, those cadets eligible for the MP have already been named. The rest of you, take a look. These are the top of your class. Sasha Braus at the 10." Shadis started to list the top ten names. "Connie Springer at the 9, Marco Bodt at the 8, Kenna Dressler at the 7, Jean Kirstein at the 6, Eren Jeager at the 5, Annie Leonhart at the 4, Bertolt Hoover at the 3, Reiner Braun at the 2, and Mikasa Ackerman at the 1." Shadis turned back to the larger group of their classmates. "Your time in my Cadet Corps has passed. I am pleased to announce that all of you have graduated. May you dedicate your hearts and souls to serving humanity." Shadis placed his right hand over his heart. "I salute you all, so that you know that I see you as equals in our military."

Kenna was touched by Shadis's gesture. She knew that Shadis had to be hard on them; if they couldn't handle what Shadis threw at them, they wouldn't be able to handle the hardships of the military. All of this just confirmed that Shadis actually did care about them.

"Dismissed!" Shadis yelled at them. "Enjoy your last night of freedom before you spend the rest of your lives surviving humanity's interest."

The dining hall of headquarters were alive. Everyone was celebrating the fact that they graduated. Kenna sat on the table and looked out towards the room. Reiner and Bertolt sat on the bench: Reiner to her left and Bertolt to her right.

"Nice to see that we survived," Bertolt said as he took a sip out of his cup.

"Did you have any doubt that we would?" Reiner asked him.

"Just that you would," Kenna teased.

Reiner grabbed right above Kenna's knee and squeezed. Kenna squealed and jumped up off the table. Reiner and Bertolt stood up and caught her under her arms before she fell to the floor. They lowered her back on the bench to sit between them.

"I was under the impression you liked her," Bertolt said. "I didn't realize that you were trying to kill her."

"Just trying to keep her on her toes," Reiner said as he kissed her temple. Kenna just grinned and leaned into his kiss.

"You two really are sickening with how in love you two are," Annie said as she walked by them.

"You say that now until you find someone," Kenna said. "Just wait, you'll be sickening too with the person you choose to share your heart with."

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