Chapter Seventeen - Fighting

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Kenna took her fighting stance. She felt absolutely ridiculous. Kenna was sure that everyone looking at her and Armin were laughing at them. She wouldn't blame them: Kenna and Armin weren't exactly the most intimidating of opponents. Armin looked exactly how Kenna felt.

"Just get this started," Armin groaned.

Kenna kept her hands up and pounced at Armin. She threw a punch. Armin side stepped it. Armin threw his own punch, but Kenna grabbed his arm and threw him over her hip. She followed Armin to the ground. She landed on her knee right next to him. Armin landed on the ground with a thump. Kenna got up and held out her hand to Armin. Armin took her hand and Kenna pulled him up.

"Thanks," Armin said. "Where did you learn to do that?"

"My brother liked to show me a few tricks he learned at training whenever I saw him," Kenna shrugged as she got back into fighting position. "Are you ready to go again?"

"No," Armin said as he took up the position as the well. Armin attacked Kenna first this time. Kenna stepped back and worked on avoiding his punches. Kenna landed a series of punches on Armin's abdomen. Kenna stepped back and landed a good kick on Armin's midsection and he fell back to the ground.

"Come on," Kenna said as she pulled him up. "You're getting better. You kept standing after I landed those punches."

"You don't have a lot of power behind your punches," Armin said as he brushed the dust off of him. "You just move faster."

"Everyone move to your left and resume training with the new person in front of you," Shadis yelled at them. Kenna nodded at Armin before moving to her left. She cursed as she saw who was standing in front of her.

"Don't kill me," Kenna said as she looked at Annie. She put her hands up and got in a fighting stance.

"You won't win for that attitude," Annie said.

"Fighting you, I won't win anyways," Kenna said.

Annie rushed at Kenna. Kenna stepped out of Annie's way. Annie quickly pivoted and started to throw punches at Kenna. Kenna just worked on blocking Annie's punches. It only worked for a few moments. Annie grabbed Kenna's shoulders and took out Kenna's legs. Kenna landed on her back. Kenna felt the breath leave her lungs. Kenna tried to breath in, but couldn't. Kenna took a moment to compose herself and tried to take another breath. It worked. Kenna got up and resumed her fighting position.

"You can't go into a battle thinking you're going to lose it," Annie said.

"That's pretty hard when you're my opponent," Kenna said. "You're one of the best fighters that I've ever seen."

"It shouldn't matter who I am," Annie said. "When you go into a fight thinking you're going to lose, you will."

Annie rushed at Kenna once again. Kenna did her best to stand her ground. She wrapped her hands around Annie's neck and tried to knee Annie in the stomach. Annie didn't allow that to slide. She flipped Kenna over her shoulder and put Kenna on her stomach. Annie twisted Kenna's arm behind her. Kenna gritted her teeth. She didn't want to move and risk Annie dislocating her arm.

"Looks like I was right," Annie said. Her voice sounded close. Kenna brought her head back. She made contact with something and Annie's weight lift off of her. Kenna pushed herself off of the ground. She turned back towards Annie. Her eyes widened as she watched Annie pop her nose back into place.

"There you go," Annie said. "I was beginning to think you didn't have the gall for that. Looks like you could still make something of yourself as a soldier."

"Move to the left and switch again, Shadis yelled.

Kenna was happy to see Marco standing in front of her. He would be a good opponent but wouldn't absolutely kick her ass like Annie did.

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