Chapter Twenty One - A Night in the Forest

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Kenna worked with Sasha to put up their tent. Kenna was glad to be working with Sasha. Her friend had a strong knowledge of surviving in the outdoors. They secured the tent posts in the ground before draping the tent cloth over the poles. As they worked, Connie and Jean worked to set up the boy's tent. Marco and Armin got the fire started while the others did a sweep around the perimeter. Kenna appreciated the fact that they were being tested on their ability to survive like this.

The sounds of the forest filled the night. Kenna could hear the hoot of owls and the snaps of branches. Kenna wondered what creatures were roaming out in the dark. Kenna wanted to laugh at Jean. It was clear that he had never been in the forest at night time before. He seemed to jump at every little sound. Kenna knew that it was probably mean of her, but it was strange seeing the usually so confident Jean be so out of his element.

After all tents had been set up and the fire started, everyone sat around the fire. Kenna's usual group of friends were joined by Ymir, Krista, and Annie. Their group had been given three rifles to protect themselves from whatever was in the woods.

"We need to set up a schedule for a watch," Reiner said. "There should be three people on watch at any given time. There'll be three groups of three and one group of four. We'll take two hour watch segments and we'll be ready to head out at first light"

"Eren, Mikasa, and I can take first watch," Armin offered.

"Jean, Connie, Sasha, and I can take the second watch," Marco said.

"Guess that doesn't leave us with many options," Ymir said as she looked at Krista. "We can take third watch with..." Her eyes roamed around the circle. They landed on Kenna. "You. We'll take third watch with Kenna."

"Great," Annie said as she stood up. "Guess that means I'm stuck with you two idiots." She walked into the tent.

"A ray of sunshine as always, Annie," Reiner called after her. He lowered his voice. "I swear, she's always upset about something."

"Sorry," Kenna shrugged. "I would have offered to be on watch with you and Bertolt, but I'm not one to argue with Ymir."

"She's not that scary," Krista said. "She's actually really nice."

"I'm sure she is," Kenna said as she yawned. "But, it's too late for me to argue about anything."

"We should all probably follow Annie's lead and go to bed," Marco said. "Make sure to wake us up when it's our turn to take watch."

"Will do," Eren said as he took a rifle from Marco. Armin and Mikasa took a rifle from Reiner and Bertolt.

Kenna walked into the tent. She curled up in the corner and hoped that sleep would come easy for her tonight. Kenna fell asleep to the sound of sound of the forests and Sasha's quiet snores.

"Wake up," Sasha's voice quietly drew her out of her sleep.

Kenna wiped the sleep out of her eyes and pulled herself up. She saw Ymir and Krista getting up as well. They all walked out of the tent. The boys were standing outside with the rifles.

"Come and take them," Jean said as he held out his rifle. He was yawning.

"Get some sleep, boys," Kenna said as she took the gun from Jean.

"Try to not let the forest get to you," Ymir said as Jean walked away.

Kenna could see Jean pause for a moment before walking back into the boys' tents. Kenna sat on the log by the fire. The sounds of the forests seemed to be a little bit louder. Kenna took out her small pocket watch from her jacket. It was two in the morning.

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