Chapter Nine - New Era

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Kenna had been planning this moment for months, and now it was finally time to act on the plan. She didn't know what she did to deserve the stroke of luck she had just been given. It was officially enlistment day and her uncle had left last night to help Commander Pixis put out some fires at the Garrison headquarters. It was just after midnight. Kenna was packing up the last of her things. She had been talking with Armin, Mikasa, and Eren about things she would need for enlistment. She had a weeks worth of clothes and pajamas, good shoes, and a few sentimental things. Kenna looked at her father's notebooks before putting them into her bag. Kenna laced up her brown boots and put on her brother's jacket before heading out of her room. She crept down the stairs and hoped that she wouldn't wake up Miss Mary. It would take her the rest of the night and morning to get to the enlistment camp in time.

"I was wondering when you would be heading out," Miss Mary's voice came from the kitchen. Kenna looked into the kitchen and froze. Miss Mary was sitting at the kitchen table with a single candle illuminating the room. She just looked tired. "Come here, Kenna." She held out her hand.

Kenna walked up to Miss Mary and took her hand. Kenna didn't sit down and didn't meet her eyes.

"Oh, Kenna," Miss Mary sighed. "What a strong headed girl you are."

"Are you going to stop me?" Kenna asked.

"Can you look at me, Kenna?" Miss Mary asked. Kenna forced herself to meet Miss Mary's eye. Kenna saw tears in her eyes. Miss Mary smiled sadly at her. "You have grown so much in these past few months, I hardly recognize you. I still know its you though because of how sad your eyes look." Miss Mary pushed back a piece of stray hair behind Kenna's ears. "Your eyes are sad, and I've never seen you smile the entire time I've known you. The only time I've seen anything but sadness in your eyes is when you talked about joining the Survey Corps and helping humanity. I don't think I could forgive myself if I took that away from you."

"What?" Kenna's brows raised. "You're not going to stop me."

"No," Miss Mary shook her head. "A carriage will be coming at first light. I'll see you off and then you'll begin your new life with the Cadet Corps." Miss Mary stood up. "Now, sit down and I'll make you breakfast."

Kenna sat down without another word. Miss Mary made her a hearty porridge with some fruit and a glass of milk. As she ate, Miss Mary just watched Kenna. Kenna didn't know what to think from the stairs. When Kenna finished her meal, Miss Mary took her bowls away and began to clean them. Kenna grabbed her notebook and pencil and began to sketch. Kenna looked up at Miss Mary cleaning and drew her. Kenna wanted to have something more permanent than just her memory. Before Kenna knew it, the sun was starting to peak through the windows. Kenna could hear the sound of carriage wheels turning. Kenna closed the notebook and put it in her backpack. She put the backpack on and walked out the door with Miss Mary.

The driver on the carriage was someone that Kenna had never seen before. Kenna got into the carriage and Miss Mary sat across from her. Once again, Miss Mary was just watching Kenna. Kenna looked towards the countryside. As the carriage continued onwards, Kenna felt her stomach start to twist and coil. She was sure that this was what she wanted, but this was unlike anything she had ever done. The Cadet Corps would be the next three years of her life and the Survey Corps and helping humanity would be the rest of her life. It was a lot of pressure that would be on her shoulders. She hoped that she would live up to everyone's expectations.

As they approached the enlistment area, Kenna could see people funneling into the area. Everyone seemed to be around her age and their families. The carriage stopped and Miss Mary exited the cart. Kenna followed after her. Miss Mary looked at Kenna and pushed back a piece of Kenna's hair.

"I'm going to write to you every week," Miss Mary said. "I know that you'll be busy, but I expect a letter at least once a month. And I'll be sending you some care packages every few months so you don't miss home too much. Don't let anyone tease you about your hair and..."

"I'll be okay, Miss Mary," Kenna reassured her.

"I know," Miss Mary said with a sad smile. "I just worry about you."

"Will you be okay?" Kenna asked. "Won't my uncle be mad that you helped me?"

"Your uncle won't fire me," Miss Mary chuckled. "He knows that his household would fall apart with me. Promise me that you won't waste this chance, Kenna. Make something great of yourself."

"I promise," Kenna nodded. "Thank you so much."

"Go," Miss Mary turned her around towards the crowd.

Kenna grabbed on tightly to the strap of her bag and started to walk to where everyone was being funneled. Kenna felt crowded as she shuffled to the desk. Kenna didn't know how long she was in line for before she got to the desk.

"Name," the man in front of her asked.

"Kenna Dressler," Kenna replied.

"Date of birth," the man said.

"November 28th, 835," Kenna said.

"Move onto the next line," the man instructed. "You'll leave your bags with them while they'll get you your uniform."

"Yes, sir," Kenna said as she moved on to the next line.

Kenna shuffled through the next line. Her bags were dropped off and she was given a new uniform. Kenna shuffled into the main area. It was already crowded with a lot of people. Kenna felt the anxiety bubble up in her stomach. Her eyes were scanning the crowd for any familiar faces. Kenna hoped that she would be able to see Eren or Mikasa over the crowd because there was no way that she was going to see Armin. Kenna felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and saw Eren, Armin, and Mikasa.

"Surprised to see you actually enlisted," Eren said.

"Said I would," Kenna said. "I'm a girl of my word."

Another hour passed before the people finally stopped streaming in. One of the men from the check in area came in and got them all into rows. Kenna was separated a few rows from Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. She was standing between a towering blond boy and a short blond girl. The only thing that shocked Kenna more than the sheer difference in height between the two people she was standing between was the fact that the dark haired boy was even taller than the blond. Kenna wondered what they got fed in their village.

A bald man with a cold look in his eye walked between the rows. Everyone stood still. They were all waiting for the man to speak.

"Straighten those spines, piss ants," the man yelled at them. Kenna found herself obeying his instructions. "The 104th Cadet Corps Boot Camp starts now." He began to walk down the row. "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Commandant Keith Shadis and you will grow to hate me. Training is gonna be a white-knuckle ride through Hell. If I've done my job, you'll be waking up in a cold sweat from memories of this place every night for the rest of your miserable lives." Kenna felt her heart start to beat faster as she begun to think about her future. "Right now, you're nothing. Livestock. But over the next three, soul-crushing years, you'll learn to take down your own Goliath." Flashes of Titans ran across her mind. "Remember this moment when you come face to face with him, 'cause here's where you ask yourself: Am I a fighter, or am I feed?" Kenna replayed her father being eaten. "Am I gonna be ground up to pulpy human grist 'tween boulder-sized incisors. Or am I gonna be the one to bite?"

Kenna was flying through the air and hearing Olly's screams. She was a sacred girl once more, but Kenna pushed those thoughts out of her mind. She wouldn't let that weakness invade her life again. She would be brave and strong and lead humanity forward because she wouldn't let the Titans win. 

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