Chapter Nineteen - Snow Storm

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Kenna pulled her coat tighter around her body. She trudged through the snow in between Bertolt and Reiner. In front of Bertolt was Marco and Annie. They had all agreed that it was probably smarter to have the shorter people in between the taller people. This was the worst snow storm that any of them could remember, and none of them wanted to freeze to death out here. Though, in Kenna's mind, freezing probably wouldn't of been the worst way to go. The only thing that guided their way was the lanterns that they were holding along the way. Jean led them to the cabins in the mountains.

"Damn snow," Kenna cursed as she felt the snow slip into her boots. "Damn snow storm. Damn Shadis for making us do this."

"Is someone feeling a little pissy?" Reiner asked her.

"Shut up, Reiner," Kenna snapped.

"Not a snow person, I'm guessing," Bertolt said.

"What gave it away," Kenna grumbled.

"First you hated the summer heat, now you hate the winter snow," Reiner said. "Is there any type of weather that you do like?"

"Yeah," Kenna said as she glanced back at Reiner. "The few beautiful weeks of fall when you don't melt or freeze."

"Looks like you'll be miserable for most of the year," Connie butted into the conversation.

"Shut it, Connie," Kenna snapped.

"Okay, no more talking to Kenna while we're in the snow," Bertolt announced to the group.

Kenna was happy with that announcement. She was pretty miserable to talk to when she was like this. The snow was heavy as it fell on her shoulders. Kenna shook the snow off her shoulders as the winter wind managed to sneak in through her coat. Kenna was no stranger to long trips, but this was something else entirely. The snow made everything so much worse. It weighed her down and chilled her to the bone. It felt like they had been walking for days even though Kenna knew it had only been a few hours.

After what seemed like forever, Kenna finally saw the lights of the mountain cabin. Kenna wanted to run into the warmth of the cabins, but she didn't. She would stay with her friends and comrades until the very end. She wasn't even paying attention to the conversation at hand until Reiner spoke up.

"Hey!" Reiner addressed the group. "You guys seen Krista?"

"Huh?" Eren said. "Not for a while. She was with Daz, and he wasn't doing so good."

"Yeah, well he's not here," Reiner said. "Ymir isn't back yet either." Kenna looked around the group. She couldn't see the short blond or her tall brunette shadow.

"They're probably mixed in with the last squad," Marco tried to remain optimistic.

"That's just it," Reiner said. "Thomas was leading the last squad. Says they never saw them."

Kenna's eyes widened as everyone else gasped. With the intensity of the storm, staying out there was basically a death sentence. Kenna hoped that they were just a little bit behind.

"Whoa, hold on," Eren said. "Do you think they're lost?"

"Man, if they get stuck out there in this snowstorm, they're done for," Jean said what they all were thinking.

"Son of a--!" Eren exclaimed as he tried to go back out towards the woods.

"Eren!" Mikasa tried to grab him.

"I have to go back out there and try to find them!" Eren said as he kept on walking.

"I'm with you!" Marco said as he tried to follow Eren.

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