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You walk to the school gate, scanning the place for Hyunjin. You were planning to give him the coat and wanted to get it over with, but you couldn't find him anywhere. You took your phone out of your pocket, and to your surprise, you found messages from an unknown number.


Unknown number (52 279 365)

"Hey Y//N! Hyunjin here."

"Meet up where we sat on the bench!"

"I want my coat back, hurrryyyy."

"On my way!"


As you walked, you noticed that the sun was setting, casting a warm orange light over everything. You could smell the autumn leaves and hear the crunching of your shoes on the gravel. You felt a sense of peace wash over you, and for a moment, you forgot about everything that had happened today.

You walked up to the bench, and the warm sun on your face felt good. You sat down on the bench and placed your backpack next to you, listening to the music and tapping your fingers on the bench to the rhythm of the music. You looked around, but you didn't see Hyunjin anywhere, and you started to worry. Maybe he hadn't arrived yet, or maybe he had changed his mind.

You feel a tap on your shoulder and look up, it was Hyunjin standing in front of you with a smile on his face. He sits down on the bench and you hand him the bag with the coat. He puts the bag on his lap and you both sit in silence for a moment. Then he asks, "What are you listening to?"

With a smile, you reply, "oh, I was just listening to my playlist."

Hyunjin's eyes light up and he lets out a laugh, "Playlist? That's so cool!"

You pointed at the bag, "the coat is in the bag", you said with a smile, "Thanks" he said, smiling, as he opened the bag to see the coat. He then closed the bag and i responded, "no problem" with a smile on my face. You stretched your body, feeling more relaxed, and you felt happy that the situation was finally resolved and you were able to give him the Coat.

Hyunjin's POV:

I was feeling a mix of emotions. On the one hand, I was excited about the bet and the potential payoff. On the other hand, I was starting to actually like her. Her innocent smile, her laughter, and her sparkling eyes were all so charming.

Despite my feelings, I knew that I had to stick with the bet. The potential payoff was too big to ignore. But as I sat there next to her , with her smile and laughter filling the air, I couldn't help but feel a sense of regret. Maybe there was more to this bet than just the money. Maybe there was something more important at stake.

Back to Y/n's POV:

I looked at him with a mix of amusement and confusion. "Hellooo," I said, making him jump slightly. He quickly got back to reality and let out an embarrassing chuckle. "Oh sorry!" he said, looking embarrassed. "I wasn't paying attention there for a second," he added, trying to apologize.

I stood up straight, smiling at him. "I have to go now," I said, feeling a pang of disappointment. As soon as I said those words, his expression changed. His smile faded, and he looked at me with a mix of confusion and concern. "Ahh, why already?" he asked, sounding annoyed. I was confused. Did he want me there?

"What else will I be doing?" I asked, scratching my head. Hyunjin smiled and said, "Let's go do something fun!" I raised an eyebrow, confused. "Fun..?" I repeated, unsure what he had in mind. He stood up, still grinning, and said, "Yeah! Let's go do something!"

But as soon as the words left his mouth, I realized that it was getting dark outside. Winter was in full swing, and I didn't really want to be out alone in the dark. "It's getting dark," I muttered, feeling a pang of disappointment.

Hyunjin sensed my discomfort and quickly offered, "Then come! My mother would love to invite you for some food."

I hesitated. I didn't know Hyunjin that well, and the thought of going to his house for the first time made me nervous. "Hyunjin, I don't really know you that much yet," I began, but he quickly cut me off. "This is a good way to start," he said, his tone gentle but firm.

For a moment, I considered turning him down, but there was something about him that I couldn't resist. And the thought of spending more time with him, even if it was in a family setting, was too tempting to resist.

"Okay," I agreed finally, feeling a sense of excitement building inside. "Let's go."


As soon as we entered, I could hear HyunJin calling out for his mother. "Mom, I'm home!" He shouted, and before long, a large, fluffy dog came running towards us, jumping up to nuzzle my chest. I couldn't help but let out a giggle as the dog, Kkami, covered me with his sloppy kisses.

HyunJin's mother soon followed, a smile on her face. "Aww, who's this pretty girl?" she asked, smirking at me as she approached. HyunJin rolled his eyes in embarrassment, but before he could say anything, his mother whispered in his ear, "She looks a little too pretty to just be a friend."

Feeling a bit intimidated by the attention, I quickly bowed down respectfully. "Hello, Miss," I said with a friendly smile. "It's nice to meet you."

"Respectful, I see," HyunJin's mother said with a satisfied smile. "Mom, you're embarrassing me," he mumbled, but I couldn't help but let out a giggle at their playful banter.

His mother held out a hand for me to take. "Come in, dear," she said warmly, and I nodded my head before following her inside. As soon as I stepped foot inside, I could smell the delicious aroma of home-cooked meals, making my mouth water in anticipation.

HyunJin's mother led me to the dining table, where Kkami jumped up to join me, eagerly sniffing around my leg. "This is Kkami," she said proudly, "he's a big sweetheart."

"Oh, I've actually met him before!" I exclaimed with a smile, and I shot a pointed look at HyunJin, who smirked. "Mom, she was the one who found him. Remember?"

His mom's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, I had no idea!" she said, clearly impressed. "Thank you so much for taking care of him, dear."

As we sat down to eat, HyunJin's mother served up a tasty array of rice and vegetables. We all grabbed our chopsticks and delved into the meal, and I couldn't help but savor the delicious flavors of the home-cooked meal.

(how we sat)

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(how we sat)

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