the apartment

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Juliet Pov

It's close to midnight by the time we get to the apartment. Poor Lilly is still awake despite having plenty of offers to be taken home by her nanny to sleep. I get that she might not want to go to a new place alone, but for all I care we could have spent the night in a hotel room just the two of us and avoid moving in for another day.

Taking in the first impression of the apartment I'm impressed by our mothers' efforts. The high ceilings give plenty of air to the room and the color pallet is shades of white and there is a spiral staircase leading up to what I assume are the bedrooms. "I slept here the last two nights, so I'll show you two around," Will says awkwardly and starts showing us the rooms of the house. 

The living room has a beautiful view of Manhattan, two couches, and two chairs pointed at a television. it looks stylish I will give our mothers credit for that, but it also doesn't look cold or like something you would see in an exhibit. The last thing I would want is an apartment I was scared to touch anything in just in case I messed something up. Especially I want Lilly to feel comfortable here. 

"Mommy it's so pretty," Lilly says and jaws. It's been a long day for her, and I bet she should head to bed soon, but we finish the tour of the apartment first. 

The kitchen is huge and modern with plenty of counter space for cooking and entertaining. The stove is huge too as well as plenty of seating along the counter and at a long dining table. Here too there is a view of the city. I must admit I'm in love with this kitchen. 

After showing us the kitchen, we move onto another room in the downstairs area, a joint office. It's identical on both sides with bookcases in the back and a sleek desk. I don't work much at home, but it's going to be nice to have for the times when I need it. I'm not happy that both of our desks are in here but I'm not going to argue about things like that, I have more important things to think about. 

The next room is a huge home theatre with comfy seating on three levels. The lowest level chairs are long so you can lay there, and the ceiling is so pretty like a night sky. "I love this room. Mommy we can watch Elsa on the big movie TV" Lilly gasps, and I chuckle. My little girl is a big Disney princess fan. "We sure can. That's going to be so fun" I tell her before we move to the next room. 

"This is your playroom Lilliana" will say neutrally as he opens another door.

"Willy, call me Lilly, not Lilliana silly" She giggles and looks at her playroom. It's modern and in soft colors contrasting against the white walls. Areas are set up for pretend play, arts and crafts, and a swing. "I love it" she gushes.

As much as she wanted to stay in there and play, I knew it was time for bed for her, so we kept moving through the apartment, this time to the second floor. "So there are eight bedrooms and eight and a half bathrooms in total here. The half bathroom is downstairs and then there is a bathroom in every bedroom" Will says and heads down in one direction. "On this side, there are guest rooms guest rooms and then what I assume is your room Lilliana because it has loads of pink stuff," Will says and opens the door.

There indeed is a lot of pink stuff in that room. The bed is huge which I know she will be excited about, there is a desk there so she can do school and storage space. She also has a walk-in closet for all her girly needs as she grows up. why a six-year-old needs a walk-in closet fit for an adult I don't know, but I guess she will grow into a teenager one day and appreciate it. 

Next, we head to the other side where there are two bedrooms left. "The one to the left is yours Juliet while the one to the right is mine. There is something to discuss but we can do it after she goes to bed" will say shifting from one leg to another before I walk into my bedroom. 

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