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Juliet's Pov

Will is getting on my last nerve. Not only did he kept on touching me, but he kissed me. Of course, he was playing the part well, but I was caught off guard completely. God if we weren't in public, I would have kicked him in the balls for pulling a stunt like that. Isn't that what's called karma? Consequences for your actions and all that. I'm not someone who gets violent, I've never been that girl, but I've had to kick a guy in the crotch a couple of times before I met Lilly's dad because they were trying to do something without my consent. That fight I once had went away quickly after I met the bio dad, I changed forever.

My anger has grown on the way back home so I can't wait longer than hearing the door close behind me before I go off on him "William, what the hell was that? You don't get to kiss me without my permission. That's not necessary to pull off this act we have going on. There are other ways to do it, but you just have to go there" My blood is boiling but I'm doing my best to keep my cool somewhat at least.

"I was playing the part and cooperating. You're making this more difficult than it must be. I'm not going to lose what I've always wanted because you're a priss with a stick up your ass. Get your act together" he huffs, and I cross my arms. I'm not a priss and don't know where he got that from. We are strangers living in the same home, he doesn't get to dictate anything. We are equals in this.

"I don't care what you think of me. You don't get to do that stuff. We might be stuck in this miserable marriage, but I'm not your property. We are equals in this, I'm not under your rule" I say and run my fingers through my hair.

"This shit is why I don't do relationships. Girls are so damn dramatic when they think you owe them something" his hands clench and my whole body is as tense as some sort of tree or something. How he is this skilled at getting on my nerves I don't know.

I don't do relationships either, for the most part at least. For the last seven years, I've had two relationships, both disasters. My most recent ex, Travis, has been an on-again off-again adventure, and the one before was Lilly's father. Over time I found out that I would much rather be my own person and not rely on a man for happiness. Real love doesn't exist anyway, it's just the idea of something rather than something real you can rely on. Love makes you weak, it opens you up to get hurt. Not to mention that if I want to get to the top, I can't waste my time trying to find "the one" or whatever a lot of people are striving to find.

"Do you think I do relationships either will? I assure you I don't. They just get in the way" I could elaborate, but I won't. Relationships have been a hindrance in my life, so the only one I need is my connection with my daughter. The love between us, that's the real stuff. The other kind of love, the romance you make yourself believe, are illusions we learn from novels and movies. It's not like that in real life, at least in my experience.

"There we finally agree. Relationships just get in the way of my way to the top. You didn't even need to mess up your manicure to get that straight, impressive" he smirks. What he thinks of me is clear, there is no subtleness about him.

"Listen to me. Drop the insults. You're not better than me. I'm not a priss, get that straight. You don't know me, so stop pretending you do" I've had more than enough of this attitude, so I walk off to get ready to meet Selena and Asher. How he managed to rile me up so much I don't know, but I'm not having it.

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I arrive at the cafe where I'm meeting Selena and Asher. Since I don't have to head into the office this week Selena doesn't either. We decided to meet when Asher had a lunch break from his job so we could all have a chat.

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