taking statements

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will's Pov

Lilly remains snuggled in my arms and neither one of us manages to eat breakfast. She needs food and I tried everything to get her to eat at least something, but she refuses. Eventually, I got her to drink some chocolate milk at least, so she got something in her belly. Other than that, everyone else are lost in their head and reflecting on what is happening. I don't think any of us know what to say, what do you even say in a situation like this? Because there are no words to describe the pain we are in now. Especially the pain the little girl in my arms is in, and I don't know how to make her feel better other than get Juliet home.

The front door opens to reveal that the feds have arrived. They are here to talk about the next steps, inform us about what they have figured out so far, and take statements. I already know it's going to be a long day, but if it gets us closer to get Juliet home I will sit and talk to them for days if that's what it takes.

I stand up with Lilly in my arms to greet them "You're Mr. Hilton, correct?" A female agent with the name of Sarah Parker asks me and I nod. "Yes, I'm Juliet's husband" I confirm, and she greets me before the rest of them set up the equipment on the dining room table to do their work.

"We have an agent that specializes in talking with kids, she will be here in a little while. But before that, I need to talk to you in private. I'm the lead agent on this case" she says, and I ask her to give me a minute to hand Lilly off.

"Princess. I need to go talk to Sarah so we can get closer to finding your mommy, okay? Can you cuddle with Grandma or Aunty Selena while I do that? And then I promise you lots of cuddles afterward" I ask her, and she clings to me for a while longer before she agrees to get handed off. "I love you," I Say and kiss her forehead before I head into the office with Sarah. As much as I don't want to leave Lilly alone for even a second, I don't think it would be good for her to hear all this grownup talk. She is a child.

There is a camera and microphones set up to record the conversation. First, she says the case number, who she is, and who I am. It's probably for their records. "How long have you been involved with Mrs. Juliet Victoria Hilton?" She asks and I tell her that we got married in September. "We didn't know each other before the wedding day because it was an arranged marriage set up by our fathers. Since then, we have lived together and seen one another every day since" I tell her, and she nods.

"Do you know how much contact there has been between your wife and Mr. Meyer while you have been married to her?" she asks, and I think. "We have been to two galas where they have interacted. They haven't been alone though, I've had eyes on her, and she gets scared when she is around, so we have left the event. After what he has done to her in the past, she fears him" I say.

She brings up her iPad and shows me pictures of notes "We went through your wife's office to look for clues. And there have been notes sent to her for months, most of them have a signature from a TM which we assume is Travis Meyer. We confirmed with the lady at the front desk that it was flower arrangements delivered from a local flower store. We got CCTV footage from outside the flower shops and Mr. Meyer was seen there. Then we talked to the owner of the shop this morning and they confirm that it's Mr. Meyer that have sent the flowers" she says, and I furrow my eyebrows. She hasn't told me anything about flowers or notes from him. Why has she hidden this from me? I don't understand. The notes are love declarations that make me sick to my stomach, she kept them all, probably for evidence if something were to happen but I don't understand why she kept it to herself. Did she think I would be mad or something? Because I'm not. I'm just worried that this was part of his plan to get his dirty hands on her.

"I didn't know about that at all. She hasn't told me anything about notes or flowers" I say, and she tells me that the flowers have been removed from her office right after they were delivered, but she kept the notes that came with them. That's probably why I haven't seen the flowers, they were gone before I could see them.

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