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Juliet's Pov

The door bursts open and in comes five men in black with guns and vests that say FBI printed on them. Someone found me. I can't keep the tears in, I burst into tears with the realization that I'm getting out of here. Someone found me, they didn't give up on me.

。゚•┈--୨♡୧--┈• 。゚

The paramedics got me to the hospital and doctors were working around me. I'm trying to stay calm but that's harder than I thought when they touch me. I haven't seen other people than Travis for a long period, not that I know how long it has been. My throat is dry, and everything is aching. I wish they could give me space and turn down the lights, they hurt. The smell is strong of antiseptic, not the musty scent from the apartment.

"Mrs. Hilton. I'm Doctor Miller. We are going to cut off your clothes now and locate why you are in so much pain. Can we do that?" a female doctor says. Looking around the room I notice that there are only females in here, probably something they do since it was a male that held me captive.

"Yes," I groan consent. By the looks of it, they were all waiting for me to say it was okay, which I do appreciate. I haven't had much say in anything that has happened to me recently, so I appreciate that.

While they cut off my clothes and start examining my exposed body I cry because it's hitting me now that I'm free. I'm no longer locked in that dark room where the only light was a yellow light on the roof. It was also dirty in there, I'm sure I have a layer of dirt on my body that I will never get off.

"You have blood in your hair. When did your head injury occur" the doctor asks as I see the nurses putting my clothes in bags being held up by someone in an FBI uniform. They are gathering evidence against him.

"I don't know. I don't even know how long I've been there, if someone could tell me that it would be helpful" I groan and cry out in pain when someone touches my rib while the doctor looks at my head.

"It's been three weeks and two days, Mrs. Hilton," she says, and I feel the color draining from my face. It's been that long? Sure it felt like an eternity but at the same time, it felt like it went by quickly. The hours melted together, and I don't even know if I got a few hours of sleep during the night or the day. Not seeing sunlight fucks with your head that's for sure.

"I don't think it was that long ago," I say and once again hiss when someone touches my ribs. "It hurts you, idiot. Stop that" I snap at them. That wasn't ladylike of me, but it fucking hurts so she deserves it.

"I suspect that you have broken ribs. So I'm going to administer some pain medication and fluids for you, and we need to take x-rays and a CT of year head" the main doctor says, and I nod. At least I get something for the pain. my assumption about breaking a rib or two wasn't far-fetched either.

I reach up and wipe away my tears with my free hand while they give me pain meds and drip in the IV on my other hand. They put in that thing while I was in the ambulance.

All the medical tests they do go by in a blur. It seems like they take samples of every inch of my skin, take X-rays, and a CT of my head. They also take pictures of my entire body. When they ask if they need to do a rape kit, I can thankfully tell them that they don't need to do that, there is no need for it thankfully. I try to just let them do whatever they need to do with my body, but it's hard feeling all these strangers touch me when the only person who has touched me for three weeks has been hurting me.

The horrible truth is that I've gotten used to him hurting me over the years, the only difference now is that it was taken to a whole new level when I was held captive. It's like he took what he used to do and put it on steroids.

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