making a plan

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will's Pov

I can't deny it anymore, I have feelings for Juliet, I'm not sure exactly what they mean though which is frustrating. She drives me up the walls at times, but other times I just want to hold her in my arms and finally feel her lips against mine in a real way, not for show. The feelings have grown recently, and I'm pretty sure they are romantic... maybe. It's confusing because I didn't feel this way about my cheating ex Bianca. I'm also scared to get hurt again, there is a reason why I avoid relationships like the plague, I don't have a good track record with them. Opening yourself up for the possibility of love is opening yourself up to get your heart broken.

Bianca did a real number on me, that's for sure. I thought we were happy, but then slowly there were red signs that pointed in the opposite direction. Turns out she was cheating all along and was only after being the arm candy of someone of my status. She never really loved me, not for who I am, or saw the kind of future I wanted with a partner. Why she felt the need to get a meal ticket I don't know, she is a trust found brat, so she isn't short on money. For some people they never feel like they have enough though, they want more and more. I tried to do whatever I could to make it work because I thought I loved her, but I was a fool all along. What we had wasn't love, that's for sure. The girl ended up giving me a fucking STD for god's sake, that should have been the biggest hint she was cheating because I certainly wasn't.

My whole ordeal with her leads me down the rabbit hole of one-night stands and the bachelor lifestyle. It made everything easier and protected my heart from ever getting hurt again. I even made sure to never dip my stick in the same girl twice, to not give them the wrong idea of having a future with me.

"Hi Nate," I say as he walks into my office with lunch for both of us in a bag. "Hi. You summoned me" he says cheekily, and I chuckle. If I ever have a predicament, I can always count on my best friend to help me sort out my thoughts about it. He knows me better than anyone.

"Yeah, I need some help. I think I'm falling for someone, and I don't know what the hell to do about that" I say and grab my food and a coke from the bag. We got Italian food from a restaurant we both love and that's next door to the office building so it's easy to get food from there. 

"Your wife I presume. I already knew that, will. You're smitten and now you don't know what the hell to do about it? Or am I right?" He says and I roll my eyes. When I question him about how he knew he says that he has noticed how I look at her and how I handled the situation with Travis last week. Had it been that obvious to other people? He also said that he and Selena were talking about it and how they found it interesting that both of us hadn't acted on it yet. 

"Well. You're right. I've been having these feelings for her and now I think they are romantic or whatever you want to call it. But she is stubborn, and I don't know how to approach her. If I go in too hard, she will run away" Approaching Juliet with anything like this is a delicate act, because she is a flight risk. Earning her trust is hard, and I have a feeling that in a romantic capacity, it will be even harder.  I've never met someone who makes me that crazy about them but also that frustrated.

He raises an eyebrow at me "Now that we are in agreement that you are smitten with her, I think you should ask her best friend. I don't know Juliet that well, so I don't know what the best way to approach her is. Who knows Selena might know something I don't about how Juliet is feeling too. Talk to her" he says like it's the most obvious thing ever, and I suppose it is. If anyone knows how I can impress Juliet and show her that I truly care, it's her best friend. She has two best friends, Asher and Selena, but I'm not going to ask Asher, and I think Selena is closer to her anyway.

I can't help but let my mind wander back to the past, back to Bianca. But Nate pull me out of that rabbit hole quickly "I know that look will. Not everyone is her. She was a bitch that took advantage of you. Juliet is not like her, Juliet is... something different. There is no describing what she is, but I know she is good for you, and you are good for her."

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