secret messages

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Will's Pov

Another week of Juliet ignoring me has passed and it's slowly driving me up the walls. How can she be so kind and caring to everyone else but with me, she is the total opposite? It's certainly not attractive that's got sure. Can't she just grow up and stop blaming me, I didn't choose this either.

There is so much work to do today and I keep going through document after document that needs to be signed or tossed. This workload is only half the stuff that needs to get done because Juliet takes the other half. I'm wondering how she is handling all that, is she even used to working that much? No one has given me much information about her work ethic, but I've grown to see that she works harder than most people I know. It's one of the things I happen to respect about her.

Yet again I get distracted after going through two files, this time it is the picture my mom framed and insisted I had on my desk at work. It's the picture she took of me, Juliet, and Lilly at the brunch they had a week and a half ago. I must admit it's a cute picture. Being around that kid is not as bad as I thought it would be, yesterday she even convinced me to have another dance party just with her. How can you not get along with a bubbly, chatty little kid like her? 

Another hour later I'm ready to get lunch, but there is a knock on the door just as I'm about to ask my assistant to get me something. "Come in" I can for whoever is waiting outside.

"Good afternoon Mr. Hilton. Your wife just sent me on a sushi mission, and I wanted to know if you want any lunch too so I can get it while I'm out" our shared personal assistant Rebecca Lawson says. "Thank you, Miss Lawson. Yes, I would like some sushi as well, that's kind of you" I say, and she hands me the menu to the place that she is getting it from

"I'll take a California roll, and three pieces of nigiri with salmon, please. And a Coke Zero" I tell her, and she takes note of what I want. "Mrs. Hilton ordered the same thing," she says and smiles at me. Maybe we have similar taste in something then, that's surprising. "Your wife is also having a bubble tea. Do you want that too?" She asks and I furrow my eyebrows.

"What is that?" I think I've heard of it, but I truly have no idea about what it is. "Well, it's a type of tea that you can either have milk-based or juice-based. And then you pick if you want tapioca boba, which is black tapioca balls. Or you can have popping boba which has fruit in it. Or you can have jelly which are jelly balls" she says and explains the different things and shows me the menu. If Juliet is having that I'm not going to be any less adventurous than her, so I need to try it too. 

"Get me a non-milk version with strawberry. I don't care what kind other than that, I just love strawberries" I decide. Strawberry sounds like the best option out of the things that are there.

Rebecca leaves and I go back to look at the picture on my best. Juliet is a beauty; I can't deny it. I hate that she makes me curious about who she is, and what sides she has that I haven't gotten to know yet. I don't know much yet, other than that she is a good mother.

With the way she is acting, I feel like she has all the power over me. She is controlling the environment and I hate that; I prefer to be in charge myself. There is no way I'm going to lose my position to her, she is not better than me. I've worked too hard to get to where I am, and she isn't going to hold power over me. But then again, the picture on my desk shows a side of her that I wish I could get to know, the soft and caring side. I wonder about who that person is and what it would be like to know her. 

Juliet's Pov

I'm sitting in my office working when Selena knocks and comes in with a flower delivery man. "This man has an order for you," Selena says, and I'm really confused but tell the delivery man to put it on the table. I didn't order flowers and have no idea who would order me flowers either. 

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