frustration and confessions

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will's Pov

"I'm going crazy. That woman is driving me insane" I say as I'm sitting in the living room with a beer talking to Nate. Juliet is driving me insane by not talking to me because I don't know if we are on the same page or not. She pushes me away like I'm some sort of plague she needs to get rid of, while I try to get close to her. It's not like I'm going to bite her or hit her if she decides to talk to me. I just want to know what she is feeling and if she feels the same way I do. My feelings for her are intense and I don't want to fool myself into thinking that it's a two-way thing if it's not that. I know she has feelings for me, but I don't know if they are as strong as mine.

"Didn't Selena tell you to give her time? I don't know what happened in the past but sounds like it was serious" he argues taking a sip of his beer. "Yeah, I know. But I don't know how much time I'm supposed to give her. And if I'm supposed to push the situation. I've never been in a situation like this with a girl before, and it's driving me up the wall" I groan rubbing my temple.

Usually, girls throw themself at me, but this woman is not like anyone I've ever met. She is stubborn and hard to get to know, but I also really like her. I'm willing to work for her affection if that's what it takes to get her to accept me, but I don't want to throw myself at her if it's not something she wants at all. If I knew that her feelings were growing too, we could work together to figure it out, but she wouldn't tell me anything. It's been a week since our date, and she refuses to talk to me. The only time we have talked is the small sentences on Monday at the ice rink, that's it. Why can't she just tell me how she is feeling? I'm not the best at talking about feelings either, but at least I'm not running from her.

"You so whipped for her will. And I love to see it" he says, and I chuckle. "I'm not whipped. I don't get whipped for anyone. Girls get whipped for me" I argue but he just rolls his eyes.

"will. I know you, and I see how you're acting about her. You're whipped like a puppy seeking her affection and approval. It's not a bad thing, settling with one woman is not a bad thing" he says, and I know that he is right. I just don't like admitting that I'm whipped for anyone, it's not my style.

This woman is changing me, and it makes me nervous knowing the effect she has on me. I'm willing to give a real relationship a shot if she would just talk to me and I would know if she felt the same way. If that's not something she wants I will respect that, but I need to know. The kiss meant something to me, and I think it did to her too.

"You're pretty whipped too though Nate. Selena seems to be someone you talk to a lot these days" I say raising an eyebrow and he chuckles and clears his throat "Yeah, somehow I knew you would bring that up. We are talking and I like her. She is funny and so smart. I'm thinking of developing our late-night calls and texting into asking her on a date. I'm just nervous" he says.

I think he genuinely likes her, and I hope the feeling is mutual. Nate deserves to find someone to fall for, and hopefully, Selena isn't a person that would break his heart. Selena seems like someone Nate would be a good fit with.

Sure she is more extroverted than him, but that's not a bad thing. A lot of the time opposites attract. Just look at Juliet and me. I'm way more extroverted than her, but still, we seem to get along well... that is excluding her refusing to talk to me for the past week. But when we talk or hang out, we get along like we have known one another forever.

"Ask her out. The worst thing that could happen is for her to turn you down. But at least then you would know if she sees you as a friend or something more" I say, and he agrees.

Juliet's Pov

I'm at lunch with Selena to avoid going home just yet. Lilly is at a birthday party for a while longer and I don't want to be at home alone with Will longer than necessary. I'm childish for running away from him, I know that, but I just don't know what else to do about the situation. My core instinct is to run like hell away from anything that feels even remotely good. Because good things can turn bad quickly, I've seen that film before, and I didn't like the ending.

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