the date

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Juliet's Pov

I'm nervous as I pace around my bedroom. We are going on a date in a few minutes, and I don't know what to do with myself. The nerves and butterflies are overwhelming, and I don't know what to expect. The worst feeling is not knowing what is going to happen next, what he is planning, and what it will lead to after tonight. Will it crash and burn to will it led to something new and exciting? The idea of not knowing what happens around the next corner messes with my head and I feel like I'm going insane.

There is a soft knock on my door "Mommy. Willy is waiting for you. Aunty Selena and Nate are here to play with me" she says and comes into the room in her Rapunzel costume ready to play. I kiss her head before I walk downstairs with her.

will is standing there in jeans, a white polo shirt, and a jacket. he looks damn good in those polo shirts and his hair is fluffy like always.

I'm wearing black jeans, boots, a blouse, and a coat. I was going to wear sneakers, but I like boots better and these don't have heels so it's fine.

Our eyes meet and I can't help but blush because of the way he looks at me. When our eyes meet it doesn't matter how many people are in the room, everything fades and it's just us. "You ready to go?" He asks and I nod before turning to Lilly.

"Be a good girl for Aunty Selena and Nate. But I know you're always a good girl" I say and kiss her forehead. "Bye Mommy. We are going to play princesses. Selena is going to be Tiana; I'm Rapunzel and Nate is going to be Aurora" she says and skips over to them as I chuckle. Of course, she is going to convince Nate to be Aurora even though he is groaning at the thought of it.

"Call me if you need anything," I say to them, and they usher us out the door telling us that they've got it handled and that we should enjoy our date.

Once we are in the elevator, I feel Will running his hand down my arm before intertwining our fingers sending tingles all over my body. "Is this, okay?" He asks and I nod without looking at him. Maybe he is just as nervous as I am. Does his heartbeat twice as fast when his fingers are interlocked with mine? Or is it just my body that's reacting in irrational ways?

"So where are we going?" I say to break the silence once we are in the town car. "I wanted to do something fun with you. We are going to a place called Spy Scape HQ and do the challenge" he says and explain that we have around two hours to do this interactive journey into the real world of spies and secret. It's even designed by the former head of training at MI6 in the UK so it's legit. with the way he explains it, it sounds like so much fun. More fun than a dinner in a fancy restaurant with portions so small that it wouldn't satisfy a rabbit.

"I'm so into this. This is so cool will" I say as we reach the place we are going to, and he opens the door for me taking my hand again. "I was a little nervous if you would like it or not. But it sounded like so much fun" he says and looks at the building as excited as a little kid would be. I don't blame him though; I'm fucking excited too.

We head inside and get ready to complete the mission. At the end, we are supposed to get a detailed personal profile based on how we did in the challenges. And then it tells us what spy Rolle we would be good for. This is going to be so cool. It's also a museum of spy stuff we can explore after which is going to be cool too. He did plan a good date; I'm giving him credit for that.

We start in the briefing room where we get an overview together of our mission. We are working together to solve this so we will have to lean on one another and have teamwork. I'm better at working alone but working on my ability to work with others is a good idea. I've just always been better at relying on myself and my skills.

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