squeeze my hand three times

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Juliet's Pov

I don't want to do this; I don't want to go to the federal prosecutors' office and talk to them because it keeps poking the wounds left under my skin. Sure there is no more blood seeping out of the wounds on my skin, but the cut under my skin hurts and bleeds. The mental pain is for sure worse than the physical pain, so I want to get this shit over with so I can try to move past things and not let it ruin my life. Thank God Will is going with me because I don't think I could do this alone; I need my rock by my side.

"Ready to go live?" He says as he stands by the door ready for me. I'm wearing black jeans, a coat, and a nice blouse. I knew there wasn't a dress code to go there, but I just feel like not looking like a victim. It makes me sick to my stomach thinking about the way people in public or at work will look at me, so at least I can try to look like myself and not hide in sweats all the time. For the last couple of days at home, I've walked around in a tank top without a bra and yoga pants or sweatpants. Now I at least put on a wireless bra, I can't do wires right now because it hurts my chest.

"No. But I don't have a choice" I say as I grab his hand and head outside. We reach the front of the building in silence, and he curses when he sees the crowd of people outside. "The police said they were going to keep people away. I'm sorry love" he says cupping my face as my hands shake.

There is a clear way from the front door of the building to the town car waiting for us, but people with big cameras and supporters are out there waiting to see me. "They have been out there since you got home, I just hoped that they would be gone so we could leave in peace," he says bringing me in for a hug.

I bask in the scent of his cologne which gives him a fresh scent. smelling the familiar scent and hearing his breathing help me calm down enough to be ready to face the crowds outside. We need to get through them sooner or later, so I want to get it over with. "Okay, I'm ready. Let's just get in the car" I say and will signal to our security guards and driver that we are ready.

He wraps an arm around my waist and leads me out the door with security on both sides of us. The police are there too to make sure that things are safe but I'm still nervous. I haven't been outside since I came home, and this is the spot where I was taken. I need to take deep breaths and just take one step after another until I'm in the car. will is right here, no one is going to take me.

The sound of people screaming supportive words and cameras flashing in our faces is overwhelming and I want to throw up from the nerves. I get that people have been watching the news and are invested in the case, but it's overwhelming to deal with. I wish our apartment building had an underground parking lot where we could get in and out without being noticed, but it doesn't.

I keep my head down and will hold me tight until we get into the car with tinted windows and the door close behind us. We have three drivers and three town cars that all have tinted windows and are bulletproof. One for me, one for Will, and one for Lilly. It helps us get around the city safely, but it also feels like being trapped in a metal box sometimes. Now however I'm grateful for the safety it provides and the fact that our security carries concealed weapons.

Our security is either former swat, former FBI, or former military. We have in total four security guards that watch our family and now I'm more grateful for them than ever. I've even decided that one of the security guards needs to stay at the school with Lilly because I'm not having her anywhere unprotected anymore. It took a while for the school to agree, but they allowed him to sit in the teachers' lounge and stand by the gate to the playground during recess. It gives me some peace of mind that she is safe.

will grip my hand and squeeze it three times. We have our squeezing two-times situation, but I don't know what three times means. "What does that mean? Two times means let's get out of here. But what does three times mean?" I ask.

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