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Juliet's Pov

Lilly and I are sitting in her bedroom braiding her hair before school. She loves it when I plaid her hair, and today she wanted two braids since her friend Anna at school had that yesterday and she wanted to match. "Mommy Willy and I watched Moana. He said she was pretty and nice" she says, and I grin. 

will and Lilly have been spending time together, of course, I know that he is sneaking around with her, and I know everything my daughter is up to. Not that I'm controlling over her but because even though this apartment is big it's not that big. In the beginning, I tried to keep him away from her, but she is determined to spend time with him, and he makes her smile. I'm not going to take away something that makes her smile unless it's necessary.

"That sounded fun. Did Moana get to Te Fifi this time too?" I ask her and she nods. She goes through fazes about what kind of movie she is obsessed with. Frozen is always her favorite, but sometimes she gets hocked on other things. Right now, that's Moana.

"Mommy can you, me, and willy play together? I will let you be Elsa, Willy can be Prince Charming, and I can be Olaf" she asks, and I want to cringe. Including Will in my playtime with her isn't something I really want to do, but I don't want her to be affected by my strained relationship with him either.

I know I'm being stubborn when it comes to him and not acting like myself, I just don't know how to stop myself from keeping him at arm's length and ignoring him. The need to protect myself is strong.

will's Pov

I've had enough of Juliet's attitude, and I need to figure out how to get along with her, but I imagine that's easier said than done because that girl is stubborn. But I realize that I need help, so I call Selena into my office for some advice. 

"Yes, Mr. Hilton? What can I do for you" she says as she comes into the room and closes the door. "Right now it's Will Selena. Because I need your help with Juliet" I say and motion for her to sit down on the chair across from my desk. If anyone can help me with my current issue, it's Selena as she is Juliet's best friend. 

"I know she is your best friend, so you're the only one I can ask. She is getting on my nerves, and I know that we need to start getting along. We aren't falling in love, but we should at least be able to be friends. We work together and we have the same end goal. Any suggestions about how I can make her hate me less? Because I don't hate her, it's more of a dislike because I don't know her. But she seems to loath me and I need to fix that" I go on a rant and end it by taking a deep breath.

It's not like me to put all the cards on the table to someone I don't know, I'm scared of it being used against me, but I don't have a choice if I want to keep my sanity. We will never fall in love; I know that and that's not what I'm looking for anyway. Love would just get in the way of my life. But there must be a middle ground somewhere we can get along. Things don't have to be so black and white, love and hate, there is a gray area between them, friendship.

"Look, Juliet is hard to get to know, and is all about trust. Her stubbornness gets in the way sometimes and she needs patience from people that want to be in her life." She explains and I see where she is coming from. As far as I know, she only has two friends, Asher, and Selena. If she is reserved and hard to get to know that explains why she doesn't have a big friend group. It's funny how that's how she is at home, but in public, she is approachable and knows how to work in a room. It might be something she has learned to do, I don't know.

There must be something I can do that lets me get closer to her. Sometimes I feel like we have these moments where our eyes meet, but then she avoids me like I'm the plague. It's this push and pull that's driving me insane. Now however I'm determined to put an end to that, we are going to be friends. 

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