Bravo ragazza

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"Who the fuck did give you that?" He nearly growled in my ear when he saw that.

Oh fucking great now.

I quickly pushed him and opened the door. Thank God he didn't push me for telling him and I know he won't sit well until he gets the answers he want.

But I am not ready to start this conversation with him right now. I have big matters to handle not like Rein who was thinking about some nasty scar.

And how he did see the scar?

And in the dim light?

Great eyes.

Of course I didn't expect anything less from him.

He is a Rein after all.

When I walked outside the room following closely by him, my mouth literally fell open at the scene unfold in front of me.

"The fuck is going on here?" I nearly yelled at no one in particular.

This is gonna be a long fucking night.

Ray and Leo were standing casually like they didn't do a fucking thing. And here was Dimitri, the demon who just smiled at me like he is innocent at all.

"Hello Sweetheart! Long time no see?"


Just fucking wow

Long time no see?

Seriously man?

Dimitri just fuck it.

O was on the verge of collapsing seeing the gun in front of him, on his table as Dimitri was playing with it like it was the most common thing to play with the guns.

My Boss was on the chair along with other men, his eyes were on mine asking me what the fuck is this.

And well all of the people stood far away to the corner as Leo was standing in front of them.

Footsteps came behind me. "Is this necessary Rein? Seriously?" I hissed at him when he stood to my side, hand on my waist pulling me towards him more like claiming his territory in front of everyone, more like in front of my Boss who kept looking at me and now looking at us, and the hand on my waist.

I am so going to be lose this job after all. I just know that.

If I wasn't sure before, I now sure about that.

No one wants to let me continue the job as the havoc created by Rein.

"Yes, it is." I looked at his stoic face.

Why the fuck he have to come here now after all this fucking years?

I was living my life a normal, why he have to ruin it?

Can't the damage is enough, now he came?

After all it's my fault at all. Fuck me literally.

Why the fuck I even called him in the first place? Emotionally weak I was that time and alcohol made me bold by making me call the Devil in front of me.

I can still remember his number after all this days and how can I forget about it. Since he is stalking me, I fit that number in my memory lane but I am not sure if the number is still active.

I was playing with my phone. I wanted to heart his voice and without thinking anything I dialled the number I knew by my heart.

I was sure it will be inactive but when it rang, I widened my eyes. It ringed. He didn't change his number. It is the same.

"Rein." A calm, soothe voice came from the other side of the phone.

The phone nearly fell down on the bed if I didn't grip it hard in between my fingers.

It's been so fucking long since I have heard him. His voice.


My Rein

Why didn't you find me Rein?

Why did you?


My heavy breathing was frantic and I was sure he heard that too. Before Sen will have my head, I was about to end the call but stopped when I heard my name.

"Eunoia." Oh how I love to hear him say my name again and again.

Tears filled my eyes and rolled down my cheeks.

I don't know why I am crying in the first place. After hearing his voice, everything came back. The memories.

"I hate it when you cry Love and you know that right?" He somehow knew I was crying.

I quickly wiped my tears with the back of my hand after hearing his words. I don't know why I listened to him though.

After a moment his voice came. "I won't let anyone hurt you now. Just remember that baby."

And again stopped tears running down my cheeks.

The knock my door made me snapped my eyes open and I quickly end the call and went to the bathroom before Sen come.

"You know what?" I pulled his hands away from my waist ignoring his eyes. "I am leaving."

When I saw Rein was following me. "Don't even think about that." I side eyed him.

Fuck, now I just want my bed and some alcohol to relax my body from this fucking drama. And maybe his embrace.

"You think you can stop me from following you Love? Oh well try me then." Oh god!

I could feel everyone's eyes on me as they were seeing our interaction. I ignored it and went straight to the door but not before saying. "And Dimitri, put the fucking gun down, will you? The poor man is on the verge of collapsing."

When I stepped outside, a cold weather hit my body. I quickly went to the parking lot where my Bentley was. But before I open the door, Rein bit me to it catching the keys from my hand, opening the passenger door for me like he didn't steal my keys from my hands a second ago and acting like it's his car.

"Sit." He ordered.

I knew there was no point arguing with him so I obliged and well I was tired too.

"Bravo ragazza." He whispered against my body when he buckled me up.

A shiver ran down my spine hearing this words from his lips.

He then sit behind the steering wheel.

I am not even surprised to see him going the familiar street where I live without telling him my address.

He must have known everything about me then. He has his ways but not enough to find me. It's not his fault after all.

The whole ride was silent as neither he talked nor I.

There were so many questions running through my mind about this chaos. I can't seem to find a suitable answer to that.

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