Chapter 5 - Soup to cure Boredom

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     Annabeth's POV

July 31

     I laid sprawled out on my bedroom floor for about 4 hours. Three completed puzzles were displayed in front of me, and I sat up to admire my work.

     When I was satisfied, I planted my palms on the ground and pushed myself up off of my position on the floor. My lamp was illuminating the room brightly, substituting the sun that was beginning to lower in the sky.

     Artemis had been lounging on my bed while I was assembling the puzzles, and at my sudden movement she jumped down. The two of us traveled over to the door, and I opened it. The silver colored cat pranced out, waiting beside the stairs for me.

We glided down the stairs and into the living room. I stood at the base of the stairs while Artemis disappeared into the library. I was bored, and didn't feel like watching anything on the television. I could go into the library with the cat and resume my book, but I didn't feel like doing that either. I exhaled in annoyance and walked through the entrance hall and into the dining room. I pushed open the door into the kitchen and decided to make dinner for my mother and I.

A few cooks had already been bustling around trying to prepare meals for us, and seeing me enter they all stopped abruptly.

"Miss Annabeth, what are you doing in here?" A lady asked. I recognized her as Enid Hart, our head chef.

"I decided to help make dinner for this evening, if that's alright? I'm unbearably bored, I need something to do." I said, giving her a pleading look. She nodded shortly before shooing the extra workers out. I smiled at them as they left, and told them to enjoy the rest of their day. A few moments later, it was just me and Enid, and lots of kitchen appliances.

"So," Enid said slowly, turning to face me. "What dish did you have in mind?"

I thought for a moment. I was in the mood for a soup tonight. A soup seemed like a reasonable choice, for somebody who's never really prepared a meal before. Maybe a chicken noodle soup would do, or broccoli cheese?

"I think maybe a chicken noodle soup would do nicely." I thought out loud, and Enid nodded.

"I can go grab anything we need. You stay here, I'll be right back." She said before turning and disappearing into the pantry. I stood beside the counter and drummed my fingers on the surface before Enid reappeared.

"Anything else we need will be in the refrigerator." She tilted her head in the direction of which the refrigerator stood, and I nodded before making my way over.

The chicken and carrots were in the freezer, and I pulled them out. I quickly dropped them onto the surface of the counter, due to the thin layer of ice that was chilling my hands. I wiped the melted water off on a dishrag, before Enid began giving me instructions.

"Cut up the carrots while I prepare the broth. If you finish before me, begin cutting the chicken as well."

I nodded and did as she said. My hands opened a utensil draw and took out a sharp cutting knife. It cut through the carrots easily, and I made a pile of carrot pieces off to the side of the cutting board.

As Enid had prepared for, I was done cutting the orange vegetables before she'd gotten the broth fully finished. I unwrapped the chicken and began tearing through it as well.

     The two of us continued working until I had a heap of carrots and chicken waiting to be used. Enid was gently stirring her broth she'd made in a large pot on the oven.

     "Just come over here and scrape those into the pot. The noodles will take less time to cook than the meat, so we'll put the chicken in first." She said, and I did what she told me to. I walked over and scraped the chicken into the warm broth. (Keep in mind I'm not Gordon Ramsay idk how to make soup I just eat it)

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