Chapter 40 - Leaving

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Annabeth's POV

January 3

New Years had been amazing. We went onto the roof of the apartment and watched the people and lights. At midnight Percy kissed me, which definitely shocked Paul and Sally. However, Sally was so happy she almost cried.

     The next day we'd just spent time playing board games and watching movies. Percy and I packed our things at night.

     This morning I woke up feeling sad. I didn't really want to leave Sally and Paul, but I also wanted to get back to school and see my friends. But still, I'd miss Percy's parents a lot.

     We were standing by the door saying our goodbyes, all of us a little misty eyed.

     "Be safe in the airport," Sally was saying. "And have a safe trip back to school."

     Percy nodded. "We'll be fine, mom. I'll call you when we make it back." He assured her.

    Paul patted Sally's shoulder before she could worry anymore. "They'll be alright, Sal. They need to get going now."

     Sally frowned and hugged Percy tightly, so tight I thought Percy might explode right there. Instead he just hugged her back, and I didn't miss the way he squeezed his eyes shut to blink back a few tears.

     They pulled apart and Sally hugged me next. "Keep him out of trouble," she whispered in my ear.

     I giggled and nodded. "He'll be fine." I promised.

     Sally released me and took my face in her hands, smiling. "You're such a lovely girl, Annabeth. It was amazing meeting you."

     Now I thought I might cry. "It was great meeting you guys too, I'll miss you both."

     Sally nodded and stepped away from me, while Percy handed me my bag and trunk.

     "Please be safe," Sally pressed as we started walking out of the apartment door.

     Percy turned to her and gave her a smile. "Chill, mom." He said.

     Sally's frown deepened but she quickly brushed it off, replacing it with a smile. "Okay, the taxi should be waiting outside for you guys."

      Paul handed a wad of cash to Percy. "This is to pay him, and for food or anything you may need at the airport." He said.

     Percy nodded and stuffed the money into his pocket. "Alright, thanks."

     "Goodbye," Sally told us.

     "Bye, mom. I love you," Percy said as we started going down the stairs.

     "Goodbye, Sally. Bye Paul." I said as I followed behind Percy.

     "I love you too!" Sally called out to Percy.

     "Goodbye," Paul said.

     We exchanged last waves before Sally and Paul went back into the apartment.


The taxi ride out of New York was long, but the sights we saw out of the window kept me entertained. It was only an hour or so drive to the airport, not too long.

We arrived at the airport a good half hour before we were meant to board the plane. Percy paid the driver with some of the money Paul had given him when we left, then we climbed out of the taxi and gathered our things.

We made our way inside of the airport and navigated through the crowd of people, careful not to get into anybody's way. However, that was kind of difficult seeing as the airport was packed.

Percy complained about having to go to the bathroom, which seemed to be becoming an airport habit of his. So after waiting on him, we headed towards the food court.

There were many different options, like McDonald's and Chick-Fil-A. We decided to go to McDonalds, and we each got chicken nuggets and fries. Percy got a coke, while I got a sprite. Then we found an empty table to sit at, and we ate our food.

"Okay, so we're in gate A," Percy said as he read off of his phone. "What direction is that in." He looked up at the signs hanging around us, reading them.

I turned in my seat and looked for our gate, until I found it a little ways down. "It's over there," I told him, pointing in the direction that the gate was.

We finished eating and decided to try to go to the bathroom one last time, then we met back at the gate. We waited in two seats beside each other for the passengers to be allowed to begin boarding.

After 10 or so minutes, they started letting us on. Percy and I followed the line until we were in the plane.

This time I had the window seat, and Percy was on my left. He looked just as shaken up as last time, and when the plane began coming to life, that didn't help.

I placed my hand on his. "You're fine," I reminded him.

     He turned his head to face me. "Do you have that stuff you gave me last time?" He asked quietly.

     I nodded and leaned down to search through my bag. I pulled out the container of pills and put one into his hand, then gave him the provided water to swallow it with.

     Percy took the pill then settled into the seat more comfortably. He put in his earbuds and started listening to some music. I got my book out of my bag and put in my earbuds as well.

     A little while after taking off, Percy's hold on my hand loosened and he rested his head on my shoulder. I knew he was sleeping now. I smiled to myself and continued reading.

We'd be back at school soon.

Word count:917 it's so short ik but like the motivation just hasn't been there lately yk, I have a really good idea for the story I just haven't been in the mood to write idk why

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