Chapter 14 - Detention

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Annabeth's POV

August 6

20 minutes down, an hour and 40 left to go.

This was awful. I was sitting in detention with no clue what had come over me, while two people's snores attempted to drown out my thoughts. The old man from study hall was supposed to be watching over Percy and I, but he was dead asleep. Percy was asleep as well. So it was just me, an empty room, my thoughts, and lots of snoring.

I leaned back in my chair and took out my book. We weren't allowed to do anything in here, but the teacher was asleep so there wasn't much he could do about it.

Another 10 minutes passed. An hour and a half left.

I put my book face down on the desk, crossing my arms and looking up at the clock on the wall in front of me. Dinner would start in an hour, so we'd miss 30 minutes of it.

My leg started bouncing nervously as I lifted my hand to my mouth. I chewed on my nail and stared mindlessly forward. I wondered if my mom would find out I'd gotten detention. Maybe I was over exaggerating the whole situation and it wasn't even that serious.

I didn't even noticed that the snoring went down to one source, until something flew into the back of my head and I turned to see Percy's very open and awake eyes meeting mine. He nodded his head down and I looked beside me on the floor. A ball of crumpled up paper was resting beside my feet, waiting to be picked up.

     I looked back up at Percy, who nodded his head again, urging me to pick it up. I rolled my eyes and bent down. I picked up the paper ball and turned to face forward in my seat again. My fingers fumbled with it for a few seconds before it opened, and sloppy handwriting wrote what must have been Percy's note.

     "sorry for getting you n here" is what it said.

     I fished a pen out of my bag and uncapped it before writing my response. "Don't throw this at me again. I won't get into more trouble because of you." Then I threw it back at him, and smirked when he tried to catch it but it sailed over his head.

     He read the note, and to my dismay he began writing a reply. Did I not just tell him not to send anything back?

     The paper ball hit me in the cheek as I was thinking, and I saw Percy muffling a laugh. I stuck my tongue out at him and picked the note up to read it.

     "please forgve me" I sighed at his improper spelling.

     "You're forgiven." I wrote, before tossing the ball over my shoulder and snickering when I heard Percy cursing when it flew past him again.

     The ball hit me much more forcefully than last time, in the back of my head, and got tangled into my curls. I whipped my head around and scowled at Percy before pulling my hair around my shoulder to retrieve the note.

     "can we start over"

I crumpled the paper back up without writing a response. I stuffed it into my bag, pushing it down as far as I could. Behind me, Percy's sigh could be heard but I ignored him. My fingers combed through my hair, trying to fix it after the paper attack it had endured. Then I crossed my arms and watched the clock, listening to every tick, and waiting for this to be over.

Only an hour left.

I heard movement behind me, getting closer but I pretended to be unaware. Footsteps neared me, coming down the stairs. Then the chair in the desk next to me was taken, by Percy. He nudged me and I ignored him.

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