Chapter 23 - Dancing on Clocktowers

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     Annabeth's POV

November 1

     After we'd gotten back to the common room from the maze, the night was easy going from then on. We were able to ignore the screams from downstairs, with the knowledge that it was just the first years enjoying their Halloween. We told our friends about the incident of the maze, which was why it had taken us so long to get back.

We resumed the movie we'd been watching, everybody allowing themselves to be frightened beside their chosen partner (or friend) they were sitting by. Hazel eventually squeezed onto the couch beside Thalia and I, not wanting to be sitting alone on the floor anymore. I had a feeling that if Frank lived in the East Wing and he were here right now, they'd be sitting together.

Eventually, as all things do, the movie came to an end. It was past midnight, and we all collectively yawned and stretched, some of us grabbing our last piece of candy for the night.

"Well," Leo spoke through a mouthful of a Reece's Peanut butter cup. "It was fun Halloween-ing with you scaredy cats, but I think it's time for me to get my beauty sleep." He said as he stood up.

Percy grumbled under his breath, "we all know you need it, too." There was humor behind his words, no trace of his statement meant to be mean. Rachel nudged him in the ribs with her elbow, to which I rolled my eyes and turned my direction of focus back towards Leo.

     Leo feigned hurt, like Percy's teasing insult had wounded him deeply. "Dang, man. That's pretty tough," he sighed and began trudging up the stairs, before turning back to look at us all. "Just playing, we all know I don't need any beauty sleep." Leo lifted his hands up, gesturing to his face. "I mean, look at me!" He then began to open the boys dorm door, stepping halfway inside.

     "Yeah, no amount of beauty sleep could fix that!" Travis Stoll shouted, causing us to break out into laughter.

Leo huffed and stuck his hand out, flipping all of us off. Then he disappeared into the bedroom, closing the door behind him. Our laughter subdued, and Jason stood up.

"I'll make sure he's not moping," He said like a dad about to go check on a toddler, before bending down to kiss Piper softly on the head. "Night, Pipes," he whispered. Jason straightened back up and walked around the couch, calling over his shoulder, "Night guys!" And then he too walked into the boys bedroom.

Many of the other kids began getting up as well, kissing their girlfriends or boyfriends good night, or just saying goodnight to their friends and leaving. Connor tripped Travis up the stairs, and I ignored the two boys as Travis tried to pull Connor's pants down and they stumbled into the bedroom, with Will and Nico close behind.

Rachel stood up and stretched, then turned to face Percy. She leaned closer to him and started to kiss him, long enough for me to start to feel awkward about sitting there. I turned my attention away and remembered Hazel was still sitting here, along with Piper who had moved to sit on the floor below our spot on the couch. Both girls were watching the Percy and Rachel performance to our left.

"Get a room," Piper told the two, her face twisted with some type of disgust and annoyance. "Honestly, you have to breathe at some point."

     Percy was the one to push away, and Rachel turned to Piper with a look of pure exasperation. However, Percy looked a little thankful for the opportunity to end the kiss. Both of their faces were flushed, Rachel's eyes shining with something I couldn't quite understand. The two separated and Percy stood up, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

     "Right, sorry," he said. "I guess I'll head to bed now." Percy's eyes flicked over to me, before his gaze settled on Rachel. He smiled sweetly, kissing her once more on the cheek before retreating towards the stairs. He walked up, calling out goodnight before opening the door. He stepped inside, then the door closed softly behind him as he tried not to disturb his dorm mates sleep.

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