Chapter 42 - A Very Short Conversation

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     Percy's POV

January 3

After leaving the airport and taking a long drive, Annabeth and I were walking up the side of the mountain. Snow was still powdered on the ground, and we left our footprints behind us as we walked.

"So," Annabeth said quietly. I looked at her and noticed her avoiding my eyes as she looked at the ground passing by us as we walked. "What do we tell our friends?"

My head tilted to the side as I wondered what she meant, then I understood. "Oh, well whatever you're comfortable with."

     Annabeth looked up and met my gaze, and I couldn't tell what she was thinking behind her eyes. Then she smiled at me. "I want to tell them." She decided.

     I squeezed her hand assuringly, then that's when we made it to the gates. We'd see how our friends took this soon enough.

This one is extremely short bc it just is yk? Also I kind of want to do a keeper of the lost cities fanfic, and I also kind of want to do a cross over of kotlc with Percy Jackson because I strongly believe Keefe and Percy would be best friends if they met

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