Chapter 19 - Tearful Night

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     Annabeth's POV

September 5

I woke up the next day, stretching in my bed as the girls around me began to stir as well. I glanced out of one of the windows which had a magnificent view of the woods around the tower, and the mountain climbing high behind us. I saw a corner of the football field, also behind the school.

My eyes pulled away from the window and I dragged myself out of bed. In my wardrobe were all my uniform items, and I decided on a black skirt and dark blue sweater. After putting on my socks and shoes as well, I made my way over to the bathroom.

Hazel was brushing her hair in front of the mirror above the sink, and she gave me a smile as I walked in. I took my toothbrush and toothpaste, then began brushing my teeth thoroughly. Then, after brushing my hair as well, the two of us made our way into the bedroom to gather our belongings for class.

Together we walked into the common room, then out and down the stairs. We walked through the bottom floor of the tower then out the front door, into the courtyard. The sky was cloudy and misty, a light sheet of rain suspended in the air. The temperature was sharp and cold, and I was thankful for my sweater.

Hazel shivered beside me as we walked across the glistening grass towards the Main Hall, the hall with all of the classrooms.

     "I didn't think it would be so cold," Hazel said through chattering teeth, hugging her arms.

     I nodded my head in agreement. "In September too."

     Hazel quickened her pace as we got closer to the steps that led into the Main Hall. I followed her example and scurried behind her, and the two of us rushed up the short amount of steps and into the comforting warmth of the building.

     Hazel walked in front of me as we ascended the twisting, zigzagging stairs to science class.

Finally we made it to the third floor of stairs, where the science rooms were. I followed Hazel into the door where Mrs. Tesla's science class was.

We walked down the center staircase between the two wings of curved platforms, to the front and bottom platform of desks.

Over the last month, I changed from sitting with Piper, Selena, and Rachel, to sitting with Hazel and Frank. Once I knew who Nico was, I realized he was also in my science class along with his friend Reyna. They sat in the desks behind us, Nico behind Hazel and Reyna behind me. Frank sat beside Hazel while I sat on the other side of her.

Mrs. Tesla was nowhere to be seen in the classroom, which invited all the students to talk and start joking around with their friends around me. Leo was up in the corner farthest away from me, constructing something out of tin foil and paper clips. I realized Piper was beside him, and I looked to where she usually sat.

Silena and Rachel were sitting beside Piper's usual seat, which was empty. Silena was talking at Rachel, her face serious and her voice low. Rachel looked bored as she disregarded Silena and pretended to be reading her textbook.

My eyes found Piper again, and she was joking with Leo. She looked so bright and happy, which was a relief. Lately, she's been acting stressed out and she was constantly lost in thought. I wondered if she was concerned about Rachel. Rachel was getting closer to Drew every day, spending less and less time with Piper.

Seeing Piper look so carefree as she cracked up beside Leo made me smile, Leo was definitely a good friend and if anyone could cheer up Piper it was him. The two of them had a good brother-sister bond, and I was glad Piper had someone to relieve her of her thoughts.

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