Chapter 36 - Welcome to New York

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Annabeth's POV

December 19

The first thing I noticed when I woke up was how eerily empty the bedroom was.

All of the girls seemed to have already left to either catch a flight or go to breakfast.

Last night had been tiresome for Percy and I. We'd spent at least 2 hours on the phone, rearranging flights and getting my mom to loan me some money so I could get a different plane ticket. Percy also had to double check with his mom to make sure it was okay that I came, and she was more than happy to allow me to come stay with them.

I'd packed everything I needed a few days ago, so I was good to go.

I climbed out of bed and searched my wardrobe for an outfit. I decided on a plain black skirt and a cream sweater. I layered socks and tights, then my converse.

Grabbing my trunk, I took a look around the empty room then left to go into the common room.

When I came out, I saw Percy's trunk laying on the couch while he paced around the room, looking nervous.

"Percy?" I asked as I pulled my trunk down the stairs. "Is something wrong?"

He stopped, looking up at me and smiling. "No, nothings wrong. Come on, our flight is leaving in three hours."

     Percy grabbed his trunk then came over to me and tried to grab mine.

     "I got it," I assured him, pulling it closer to me before he could take it into his hands.

      He nodded and we made our way across the common room to the door, then he opened the door for me. As we began walking down the stairs, I couldn't help but feel excited. I was going to be going to New York. With Percy.


After a long drive to the airport, we made it a good half hour before our plane took off.

The driver stopped right outside and we stepped out, tipping him a fair amount of money before leaving.

     Percy grabbed my hand and began running inside, with me stumbling along behind him and trying to catch my balance.

     "Percy—" I managed, tightening my grip on my trunk. "What are you doing, we have 25 minutes."

He slowed down, letting go of my hand as he did so. "Sorry, but I realllyyy need to go to the bathroom." He said as he looked above the heads of the moving people, clearly searching for a restroom.

"Over there," I told him, pointing to a bathroom a little ways away.

Percy began running again, and I had to quickly take off after him as to not lose him in the crowd. "PERCY!"

He stopped outside the bathroom and turned to me, "Sorry. We'll both go to the bathroom, and meet back out here?"

I nodded, heading inside the bathroom. "Yep, be quick."

     After going to the bathroom and washing my hands, I left the restroom and stood by the wall outside, waiting for Percy.

     "Okay, let's go!" A voice chirped beside me, and I looked up to see Percy standing there.

     We navigated our way through the airport, weaving through people and finding our way to the gate. We went through security and all that without any issues, though a few people looked skeptical of two teenagers getting on a plane by themselves.

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