Chapter 35 - The Final Game

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Annabeth's POV

December 18

I didn't really know how to feel about Percy and Rachel breaking up.

Of course, I was furious with Rachel and Drew for what they'd done. And obviously my heart aches for Percy, knowing that the whole thing was probably eating away at him.

But a tiny, rebellious part of me, decided it was okay for me to feel happy about it.

I wasn't happy about Percy being in pain, but I was glad he wasn't dating that awful girl anymore. I just wish the breakup hadn't been so...cruel.

     I'd figured it out a while ago that I had a crush on Percy.

     It was no use denying it. Every time he grinned at me, my heart fluttered. He was funny, and whenever we were laughing it felt like it was just us in the world. He was sweet, I saw the way he talked to the first years, and how helpful he was. He was hardworking and determined, which was evident during our tutoring sessions. He had a desire to learn, which was admirable. However sometimes he'd get that glint in his eyes, like he wanted to do something more exciting.

     I felt awful the past few weeks, knowing I liked him. He had been dating Rachel, and I didn't want to get closer to him in any way out of fear of accidentally admitting something.

But I hadn't, instead I'd let him wriggle his way into my heart, and I had gained a good friend because of it. So naturally, when he was going through all of these different emotions, all I wanted to do was make sure he was okay.

That's why I had snuck out of the dorm and went to go find him. I knew he had to be at the clock tower, it only made sense. So that was where I went first, and sure enough he was there.

When he thanked me, then hugged me...I think part of my heart may have burst. I had trouble falling asleep last night, due to how smiley I was. A fuzzy feeling had buzzed on my body where his arms had been, and where his head had rested on my shoulder.

I was a mess.

     Today was the final game, if our team won then we'd be playing in the championships. There was no doubt in my mind that Percy would play his best today.

     One thing that Luke had underestimated about Percy, was that Percy would never let something visibly bother him. He would just keep on being Percy, trying his hardest.

     I admired that about him, among many other things.

     All of the girls were getting ready to get onto the bus taking us to Meriwether Prep, where the game would be held.

     We all avoided Rachel and Drew like they were a walking disease, occasionally throwing disgusted glances at them. They didn't deserve any other form of recognition.

     We dressed into the schools colors of blue and black, occasional bits of white thrown in there as well.

     We needed to show extra team spirit today, for Percy. Hazel suggested we make a sign for him, Piper suggested we get the seats closest to the bench so we could scream encouragement to him, and I suggested we spray paint 'Jackson' on the front of our shirts, and his number on the back. His number happened to be 13, which I thought was funny since that was Taylor Swift's number. Of course it would Percy's number too, then.

     So that's what we did. All of the girls (except for Silena, who wore the cheerleading uniform, and Drew and Rachel) wore blue tshirts, with white 'Jackson' painted on the front. On the back was a white 13.

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