The British Army's bloodiest battle...

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Although the story is heavily inspired by the Sam Mendes masterpiece, this novel is a work of fiction. Any reference to real people (living or dead), actual locations and historical events are solely used to lend to the fiction and appropriate cultural and historical setting. All other names, characters, places and incidents portrayed in this story are the product of the author's imagination and any resemblance or reference to actual persons (living or dead) is entirely coincidental!

Enjoy xx <3

24th June 1916...

Dear big bubba,

I hope I've timed this letter well enough to land on your special day. I know you know I wish you the happiest day filled with laughs, cake, drinks, comradery, good weather and no fighting or casualties. Enjoy the little extra that came with the letter!

The nurses send their love and are rooting for you and the Hertfordhsire pals because they've heard me babble on and on about how amazing the lot of you are. You needn't worry, whenever they ask about you I share the less nitty gritty things you tell me.

How is your Bonnie lass? I hope she is well along with your beautiful Willow, I'm sure our family is helping out however they can. They are in good company.

Looking after a baby is so challenging so I cannot imagine how Bonnie does and still looks as well rested as she does. You managed to find and marry a fairy or half-elf and how you did will forever be a mystery to me.

I am sorry about Marcus, I hope you and the pals are holding on and gave him a proper burial. He didn't even go on his honeymoon with his sweetheart. Poor Wendy! I hope his last thoughts were of the wedding day; it was such a wonderful occasion. I will pray for her tonight as I am praying for the Hertfordshire pals battalion, the greatest on the front line.

Stay safe! I love you very much,

Your little sister Rachel xx

Italics = Rachel's thoughts

Night of 25th June 1916...

Harry's party is a massive success! The concert was a hoot – as to be expected with Bethany and Dorothy – because everyone loved the songs and we loved performing them! After the positive reception we asked Sister Mary if concerts could become a regular occasion and she was quite feels like everyone was winning!

We finished singing happy birthday and when he cut the cake and hit the bottom he gave me the biggest kiss on the cheek. That got a ruckus of hooting and hollering but that happens at every cutting of cake so while I was blushing, I knew it wasn't personal.

The combination of music, drinking and dancing loosened everyone up and there was so much love; the brotherhood alone could have lifted the roof off the hospital. I want to somehow bottle everything up and keep it with me forever.

Oh how I love love!

Harry is now on his bed as the night is settling and people are knackered but still feeling the alcohol lingering, myself included. The atmosphere is hopeful and everything is near perfect. I have the impulse to tell Harry my feelings but bite my tongue waiting for the opportune moment.

"Thank you for tonight Rachel, it was such a great birthday. The concert was amazing, the cake was delicious...I am just really happy."

"Oh of course Harry! It was one of the best nights we've had here."

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