Going Over the Top...

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Although the story is heavily inspired by the Sam Mendes masterpiece, this novel is a work of fiction. Any reference to real people (living or dead), actual locations and historical events are solely used to lend to the fiction and appropriate cultural and historical setting. All other names, characters, places and incidents portrayed in this story are the product of the author's imagination and any resemblance or reference to actual persons (living or dead) is entirely coincidental!

Enjoy <3 xx

Italics = Rachel's Thoughts

April 6th 1917, Afternoon, Erinmore's Dugout...

The cat is shredding my tongue from the root; this isn't how I imagined our reunion would be. I want to scream, sob and kiss his gorgeous face, but Erinmore is tall, stern with arms tucked at his back. It slaps me with cold reality, smothering my fire in acid water.

"Have you been informed of your involvement, Miss Smith?"

Don't let them underestimate you.

I tilt my chin and glue it to his face for if I look at William a second longer, my composure will short circuit. "I am to accompany these men on a mission, Sir."

He gestures to the gap between said men and every step I am closer to the other side pulses a vein in my neck. If I brush his arm it might burst. His eyes are locked on Erinmore and his posture's rigid whilst the younger soldier in the newer uniform stares at me with brighter eyes brimming with shock.

Goodness he has a baby face.

The map covers the entire table and the details halt my brain. I know what the lines mean and where the towns are, but I wasn't eager to figure out more; all I need to know is the mission. I focus on the General.

"The Second are due to attack the line shortly after dawn tomorrow. They have no idea what they are in for." He explains lowly, his posh accent grating. "And we can't warn them, as a parting gift, the enemy cut all our telephone lines."

What are they in for? What the hell is going on?!

"Your orders are to get to the Second at Croisilles Wood, one mile south east of the town of Écoust."

We have to get to them–what?!

He hands an envelope to the younger soldier while I twitch my neck to William who is mirroring my disbelief but is fixated on the envelope. A jaw muscle flickers behind his dirty ear but he doesn't spare a glance to me, even though I'm closer to him. It's like I'm not there.

"Deliver this to Colonel Mackenzie. It is a direct order to call off tomorrow morning's attack."

Colonel McKenzie...

"If you don't, it will be a massacre." A frog hops in my windpipe. "We would lose two battalions, sixteen hundred men, your brother among them."

That last line is to the boy on my left. Colonel McKenzie...he has a brother...could this be Tommy?

The severity hits me like a truck; we have to succeed, no matter what.

"Do you think you can get there in time?"

The boy swallows with a lowering brow. "Yes Sir."

"Any questions?" Several!

"No Sir." YES!

William watches the two uneasily, the whites of his eyes pale in the lamp light.

"Good." Erinmore looks over my shoulder, ignoring my crazed eyes. "Over to you Lieutenant."

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