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Although the story is heavily inspired by the Sam Mendes masterpiece, this novel is a work of fiction. Any reference to real people (living or dead), actual locations and historical events are solely used to lend to the fiction and appropriate cultural and historical setting. All other names, characters, places and incidents portrayed in this story are the product of the author's imagination and any resemblance or reference to actual persons (living or dead) is entirely coincidental!

Enjoy <3 xx

8th December 1916...

Dearest Rachel,

Your praise means a great deal, thank you. But I didn't like being awarded for surviving an unsurvivable battle when men who committed greater acts paid with their lives. The medal wasn't special, there are other things, more importantly people who are. I'd take your letters over that printed scrap of tin anyday.

I am no hero, not like the ones we grew up reading. They fight with swords and wield shields bright enough to blind, riding on their noble steed to save the princess locked in a dragon guarded tower to live happily ever after. But in our version, the sword is a rifle, our shield is a helmet, our steed is a tank and the dragon is the army with its fire being artillery.

And there's no princess, she's in a hospital and doesn't need saving or a knight in shining armour. She's the one saving. She's the hero. You're my hero Rachel. Your positivity, will and independence are unlike any I know and you could lead a company, give officers a stiff competition and send them running.

I am glad you like the dandelion and you wishing for my safety warms my heart. I couldn't not think of you. I told Mags about our plan to overthrow the Generals and he said we could do that with our eyes closed and wants to be involved. Looks like we have the beginnings of a mutiny on our hands.

Our relocation was successful and without disruptions, but my feet can do with a whole body can do with one actually. I'm sure the nurses wouldn't mind one either; there's no easy job on the front. I'll be sure to get your gift next time I'm in town, I'm looking forward to it.

Stay safe and write back when you can.

Yours Sincerely,


13th December 1916...

Dear William,

You deserve your accolades! You're Harry and I's hero. You're living in conditions that make men sick and stark raving mad. Never diminish your struggles, everyone is handling this differently so don't reject your feelings because you have your limbs and sanity. You are suffering. We all are.

Your fairytale is accurate but I'd like to add something. The knight, you, needs a powerful mentor to help your journey, a Merlin if you will. You don't see yourself as Arthur but gosh darn it, you need to give yourself more credit. Plus the only old men where you are, are the very men we want to overthrow and I don't think Mags would want to be a wizard, but prove me wrong.

I don't know what to do with myself when you say such kind things about me, but I appreciate the compliments. I am inspired by you and the Tommies because I am a repeated witness to the strength of a man's will, it's a privilege in the hardships. Between the losses and long nights, you've been keeping my head above water.

I revel in smug faces falling so I am liking the sound of this mutiny. I value my independence and am flattered you think I'm capable enough to not need saving, but I'm going to let you in on a little secret...I would love to be saved. Fighting for respect can get tedious and tiresome.

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