The Mission...

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Although the story is heavily inspired by the Sam Mendes masterpiece, this novel is a work of fiction. Any reference to real people (living or dead), actual locations and historical events are solely used to lend to the fiction and appropriate cultural and historical setting. All other names, characters, places and incidents portrayed in this story are the product of the author's imagination and any resemblance or reference to actual persons (living or dead) is entirely  coincidental!

Enjoy <3 xx

April 4th 1917...

Dearest William,

It's wonderful you're making the best of your free time. Have you grasped the language? Did you know French before you came? I've learned a handful of words but my accent can definitely do with work. I can get myself a drink, a croissant or directions to the station or bathroom.

I know Peter Pan from Ellie and Eddie, and Tommy told me about it a few letters ago. They both said I'd be a great Peter should there be a staged production. I like to imagine you carefree like a lost boy, or maybe you can be their flying leader! Sadly the girls don't have as much fun. I can see Tommy as any of the lost boys or even a pirate if he weren't the ageless boy.

I'm chuffed you appreciate my comment. When her tougher side comes out I am reminded how intimidated I was in my early days. If I went to a school where she was my teacher or principal, I don't know if I'd last because of the pressure to impress her.

We were all swept up in the fantasy of war. I was an exception because my brother was killed early in his service so like you, my dreams were blown into smithereens. When they wrote their experiences I couldn't imagine them, but being here I quickly discerned they watered and omitted truths. But I couldn't be upset; I knew they were being kind.

I've been visited by my convoy boys already which was a very pleasant surprise. Half the time I'm keeping them from trouble but it's all fun and a breath of fresh air so I'm not complaining.

How is Tommy doing? Does he still talk your ear off? What has been your favourite part of Peter Pan and Wendy? I think one of our nurses is halfway through her copy so I will get my hands on it when she's done. I am buzzing to see you! It's the most wonderful news, it's almost too good to be true.

The best day to come to the clearing station is the morning of the 9th. I will be dressed and ready at 8am, if you don't find me waiting by the entrance, ask for me.

Stay safe, I am praying for you,



April 6th 1917...

Dearest Rachel,

Blake's enthusiasm hasn't wavered and I appreciate his energy after our missions, he gets us laughing which eases tension. The other lads like him more as well; he is very social. Mags loves knocking him around, he has a little brother so the dynamic is second nature to him and Tommy is a younger brother, so it's an effortless match.

Speaking of the gremlin, thank you for writing to him, he looks forward to reading your letters. He brags that he's corresponding with a celebrity, perhaps because I talk of you so highly but don't say I'm being kind and exaggerating. It's the truth.

My knowledge and vocabulary in french isn't much further than yours so putting us together would make a novice. I hope we aren't keeping you from your duties with all the writing you do. I don't need you to write a thousand letters, I re-read my favourites when I find it difficult to sleep or relax. The combination of homesickness and anxiety is poisonous.

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