Meeting another wounded soldier...

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Although the story is heavily inspired by the Sam Mendes masterpiece, this novel is a work of fiction. Any reference to real people (living or dead), actual locations and historical events are solely used to lend to the fiction and appropriate cultural and historical setting. All other names, characters, places and incidents portrayed in this story are the product of the author's imagination and any resemblance or reference to actual persons (living or dead) is entirely coincidental!

Enjoy xx <3

Early evening on the 3rd July 1916 (2 days after The Battle of the Somme)...

Italics = Rachel's thoughts

Maguire's reply was so lovely when he thanked me for saving Harry that all bitterness I held for him was gone and I wanted to write him a reply immediately. It wasn't right to feel resentment towards him; I wanted to be friends with him. Plus, Harry told me he doesn't like girls and so I literally had no chance.

Harry shows me a photo of his darling and I feel my heart swell; he is gorgeous. They met at school and Harry had the biggest crush on him for a year but didn't pursue it for obvious reasons. He didn't know if Maguire liked men but after subtle hints, Harry plucked up the courage to walk him home after a night at the pub...and the rest is history.

Watching him talk about Maguire is the cutest thing and I cannot wait until I talk about someone like that and vice versa. And the fact that he trusts me to write their love letters only makes me care for them even more because I want them to make it. And I want the world to accept it.

"What nicknames do you call each other?"

He coughs a few times and clears his throat before answering.

"I usually call him Mags, and when I tease him it's Maggot which I know he secretly loves because he always smirks his adorable little smirk. He would then tease me by calling me Har-har in a cute pirate voice."

"Adorable...but why a pirate voice?"

"Because he says I remind him of one with my ginger hair. And I don't have it in me to tell him to stop because I think he's so cute when he does it."

This is so precious.

"Aw, how sweet. So you prefer your nicknames?"

" Harold and Maguire are my grandfathers' names so I don't want any confusion."

He coughs again and takes a sip of the honey tea I made.

"No, I suppose not." I chuckle.

We keep talking as I finish the reply and when I put the envelope on the bedside table Sister Mary walks my way from the sleeping quarters.

She needs more sleep than all of us...bless her.

I say goodbye to Harry and meet her ready for my instructions.

"Take your dinner break, be back on in half an hour and then begin your nightly check ups."

"Yes Sister."

She nods and heads off to her duties while I walk to the quarters feeling my stomach grumble.

I could really use a cup of tea and a sandwich right now...

Afternoon of the 3rd July 1916 (2 days after The Battle of the Somme)...

I hear more convoys parking outside and don't react to the cries and moans, I just accept they'll be full because if I hope for different and am proven wrong it will be a pleasant surprise. All I know is when this ordeal passes, I will never take for granted a quiet day again. I grab my necklace as I walk to the trucks.

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