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cw // smut

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cw // smut

☆♬○♩●♪✧♩  ♩✧♪●♩○♬☆

"He what?!"

"For fuck's sakes man, be quiet!"

Harry's eyes widened at Emma's ridiculous request. "No, excuse me, I'm sorry, you can't tell me Liam Gallagher almost kissed you and expect me not to lose my absolute fucking m―"

"Shush! Stop being so loud!" Emma hissed.

She had a feeling that pulling Harry aside to tell him (the gist of) what had happened between her and Liam outside (leaving Mark to enjoy the rest of Radiohead on his own) would have its consequences. Still though, she felt herself grow more and more stressed as Harry became more and more antsy.

"But― but― but―" Harry's eyes were obnoxiously wide as he tried to make sense of what Emma was telling him.

"Harry, please." She whined. "I'm not telling you this to make you panic. I need you to get your shit together."


"Because I don't know what to do, alright? I really don't." She confessed, helplessly crossing her arms over her chest.

Hary blinked, slightly confused. "What d'you mean?"

Emma sighed. "Come on, you know this isn't something that just happens to me. I don't know what to do when a lad wants to... I don't know, be with me."

"Mate, you've literally had sex with this fucker."

"I know, Harry!" She groaned in frustration. "But I just― I haven't seen him in a year and now I'm scared to, you know..." Dissapoint him. "... not be what he remembers or something."

Harry scoffed. "Emma. Babe. Are you being serious?" He asked. The worry in her eyes proved to him that she was, and painfully so. "It's not a science, alright? It's not like there's a fully successful equation to help you handle these things, unfortunately. I'm afraid you're just gonna have to figure it out."

Emma's eyes widened. "That's it? That's your groundbreaking advice?"

"I never said it was groundbreaking." Harry chuckled, putting his palms up in sign of innocence. "I wouldn't necessarily call it advice either, to be honest with you―"

"So you can't help me, then. Fucking hell― stop laughing you twat, this isn't funny!" Emma huffed because sure enough, Harry was trying to muffle his cackles with his palm.

"Hopefully in a few years time you'll be able to see this from my perspective." Harry chuckled. "Listen, just enjoy it. You've got Liam fucking Gallagher of all people having the hots for ya. And I know you Emma Campbell, you want a piece of that." He smirked. Emma broke eye contact, chewing on her bottom lip. "I will say this, though; he looks like a fucking nutter, that one. Have your fun and all but if he hurts you I'll stab him in the eye. It's that simple, you know." He shrugged.

WHEN EMMA FALLS IN LOVE. liam gallagherWhere stories live. Discover now