012 ➥ i've got no problem

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tw // mentions of vomiting, drug abuse, overdose, smut

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tw // mentions of vomiting, drug abuse, overdose, smut

☆♬○♩●♪✧♩  ♩✧♪●♩○♬☆

I went to Liam's. Don't know when I'll be back. No, it's not what you're thinking.

That was the only information Emma left for her sister, roughly written on a napkin with a blue pen she had in her room.

The drive to the Gallagher household was stressful. Emma could only hope that things hadn't taken any ugly turns since her and Noel's phone call. She was already struggling to cope with the image of a sick and weak Liam and she didn't think she could handle anything else.

As soon as she parked the car, the front door opened itself to reveal Noel. He'd clearly been keeping watch, waiting for her to finally turn up.

"That was quick." He commented with a smirk.

"Yeah, yeah, how's he doing?" Emma dismissed his teasing with a wave of her hand as she met him at the front porch.

"Have you ever been so drunk you think you're gonna throw up but it never comes out so you're just sitting in front of the toilet like a fucking idiot?" He explained. Emma cringed and shook her head. "Well, that's our kid right about now."

"Dear God." She sighed.

Noel and Emma made their way to the bathroom of the house as silently as possible. But when they got there, one thing that the older Gallagher had failed to mention almost made her forget about Liam entirely.

Standing there in front of the open door of the bathroom, watching Liam groan in discomfort, was a girl.

She was leaning against the doorframe, looking at him with a pained expression on her face. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. Figures.

"Our savior's here." Noel smirked triumphantly. "Oi Liam, Emma's here."

From where she was standing, the girl couldn't quite see him yet (she was a bit nervous to) but the groaning stopped.

"Uh, Noel?" The blonde stranger spoke up. "Aren't you gonna introduce us?" She asked.

His eyes widened in realization. "Fuck me, yes. Emma, this is Meg. Meg, this is Emma. She's shagging Liam." He crudely explained. And judging by the way his hand went to rest on her hip, this girl was clearly not here for the youngest brother, which had been Emma's initial assumption.

"Oh." Emma replied, suddently realizing that when Noel had said we owe you one on the phone, he wasn't talking about him and Liam. "Yeah, you did tell me you had a girlfriend." She recalled.

WHEN EMMA FALLS IN LOVE. liam gallagherWhere stories live. Discover now