007 ➥ mates who shag

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JUNE 27TH 1994

Emma woke up to Liam's cheek squished against her bare shoulder.

As expected, Liam had gotten his long awaited wish of shagging Emma. She didn't want to get too used to it for obvious reasons but she was starting to get the hang of it. The shock of it had pretty much faded, leaving room for a lot more enjoyment (if that was even possible).

They stayed up for half an hour after the deed was done, just talking about music and complaining about family: those were two distinct areas of life they both shared very strong feelings and opinions on.

The thing is, Emma had assumed Liam was still asleep. But the minute she stirred ever so slightly his head shot up, his ocean blue eyes making an appearance in Emma's line of vision.

"Fucking finally. Took ya long enough, Eyebrows." He chuckled softly. Judging by the hoarseness of his voice, those were Liam's first words of the day.

Was he cuddling up to me just for the hell of it?

"How long have you been awake?" She asked, rubbing her face with her palm.

"I'm not too sure. It felt like forever, though." Liam replied.

Emma stiffled a yawn with her fist. "Fuck, what time is it?"

"Haven't got a fucking clue, man." He chuckled.

"Well, is anyone else up?"

"I heard footsteps at some point but maybe someone was just going to take a piss." He shrugged. Emma nodded. "Round two?" Liam suggested with a knowing smirk.

Emma scoffed. "Don't be desperate."

"Come on, we're already undressed. I'd say it's very practical." Liam replied, wrapping an arm around Emma's waist. The girl reluctantly closed her eyes as he started pressing open-mouthed kisses down her neck.

"I haven't even washed me teeth yet."

"You did a marvelous job last night, darling." Liam pointed out. "I'll put in the work this time."

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About half an hour (and two orgasms) later, Emma and Liam made their way downstairs to see what was going on in the house.

Mark and Harry were in the dining area just chatting the morning away with two cups of tea and two plates with eggs and beans, surely Harry's idea. He was way too lazy for a full english breakfast but he also needed to be somewhat full before starting the day. Other than them, everyone else seemed to have left at some point.

WHEN EMMA FALLS IN LOVE. liam gallagherWhere stories live. Discover now