Notes about my Story

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Alright so now for the disclaimers, warnings, and explanations. This is goin gto be a canon divergence story right from the beginning.

DISCLAIMER: Danmachi belongs to its respective owners. This story is a fan-made depiction of a fan what-if route of the original work and the characters in it abide by the fictional laws in the setting. This is merely a fan creation of an alternative world.

The majority of canon characters in these series will appear, though I may alter the some backstories.

All events considered cannon and non-canon in any Danmachi Mobile game are fair game for my story. I won't use everything but I might use some different events as I see fit.

First off. I intend for this to me for Mature Audiences. This story is going to be set in a dark world version of Danmachi cannon. The consequence of Alfia and Zard looking after Bell and Alice will be to prolong the war between the Guild and Evilus. Also this is my first fanfiction so Please let me know what you all think.

So I will note several significant changes from the canonical timeline.

1) Alfia and Meteria will be 3 Years older than they are in cannon.

2) Meteria was 16/17 when she had Bell in cannon so aging both her and Alfia are necessary.

3) She will be the same age as in cannon as when she has Bell and Alice.

4) Bell will have a twin sister named Alice.

5) They will both be 3 when Zeus and Hera Familias go to fight OEBD.

6) The fall of Zeus and Hera Familias will follow a similar route in cannon.

7) Bell and Alice will be raised by Zeus and Hera in a moderately sized village away from Orario.

8) Hera will believe that Zeus will raise Bell to be a pervert if left to his own devices. She will not allow her favorite grandson to be corrupted.

9) Also, with regards to leveling and ranking up outside Orario. It will be easier in this world for the simple fact that there is more conflict and violence than cannon.

10) Now that all being said most places will consider themselves lucky if they have a level 4 adventurer.

11) The exceptions to this will be the:

a. North: Odin/Frigg Familia's. They guard the Dragon Valley and see much more fighting than other places. They will have some level 6s and 5s.

b. Far East: Amaterasu. In Canon there were civil wars that plagued the region. In this case we are going to have Evilus continue to destabilize the region and exploit the conflict for gain.

c. Telskuya: Kali, you all know why.

12) The neighboring countries will see that Orario is losing strength and is likely to fall. As such they will focus on strengthening their defense and preparing their armies to defend the mortal realm.

13) As a rule, I intend to have the main cast of cannon characters be a level or two higher than at the start of cannon. So, for example, Ais will be level Six when Bell arrives rather than level 5. While Ryu will be level 6 rather than level 4.

14) Ottar will probably remain the only level 7 in Orario. As Evilus will not have any Level 7s there will be no feat for Ottar to rank up from at this point.

15) Erebus will descend from Heaven, but it will be 10 years after the start of the Dark Age rather than 8 years.

16) Bell will be 18 when he arrives in Orario rather than 14. I am going to set the arrival date the same as cannon.

I think those are the biggest differences that I can think of right let me know if you all have any questions or comments.

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