Chapter 3.5 Meretia's Lamentations

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Meretia's Lamentations

The first thing I remember is being wracked by incredible pain. My whole body felt like it was burning up from the inside out, and no matter how much I tried to speak, my body would be wracked by a terrible cough. I could hear voices all around me, but they sounded distant and muffled, as if they were coming through a thick fog.

I don't remember who my parents are, or even when they abandoned us. One day, they simply disappeared, leaving me and my sister Alfia alone in a world that seemed harsh and unfeeling. Alfia is the only person who has ever loved me. After our parents left, it was only ever Alfia by my side. She did everything for me. She has taken care of me since I was a child, and I don't think I would have survived without her. Actually, I know that I wouldn't have.

Even though we were twins, it was always Alfia taking care of me. She was the strong one, the fearless one, and she never gave up on me. I know that she's the only reason I'm still alive today. Her unwavering love and determination are the threads that have held me together through all the pain and suffering.

When I was little, I was sick a lot. I had this cough that wouldn't go away, and it made me so weak and tired. As I lay there, struggling to breathe, I could feel Alfia's presence beside me. Her voice, gentle and soothing, pierced through the haze of my pain. She was speaking to me, her words a lifeline in the darkness that threatened to consume me.

"Stay with me," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "You're going to be okay. I promise."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I listened to her, and I wished with all my heart that I could respond, that I could tell her how much I loved her and how grateful I was for her unwavering support. But all I could manage were weak, raspy coughs. I remember that there were days when I couldn't get out of bed because it hurt too much, and Alfia would sit beside me, holding me and stroking my hair.

As Alfia's fingers brushed my forehead, I could feel her warmth radiating through her touch. She was always there, always caring for me, even when I couldn't express how much I needed her. In that moment, as I lay on the precipice of darkness, I knew that I was not alone. Alfia's love was a beacon of light in the darkest of times, and I clung to it with everything I had. She would tell me stories about the world outside our room, and I would listen to her voice and imagine the places she described. Even though she had the same illness as me, she was so much stronger.

We lived in the basement of an abandoned church. It was a shelter just barely enough for two orphans like us. The walls were rough stone, and the ceiling was low, but it was our sanctuary from the harsh world outside. I could hear the rain tapping on the window above, and sometimes, when the wind howled, it felt like the whole church would collapse on us. But it was our home.

Then, when I was healthy enough to walk, my sister started to teach me how to take care of myself. She showed me how to cook, in case she was ever not there , and she taught me how to read and write. We spent hours together, practicing and learning, and it made me feel like maybe one day I could be as strong as her. I just wanted to be able to do something, to be less of a burden.

One day, when I was eight or nine years old, I think, Alfia came home with a single book. I asked her how she got it, but she wouldn't say. I'm pretty sure that she stole it for me to read. It was all about the world outside my room, and she said that if I practiced reading it, then one day I could go outside and see it for myself. It was the greatest treasure I ever had. When I started reading it, I cried tears of joy at all the wonderful things in the world.

The book was my escape, my window to a world I could only dream of. It had pictures of far-off lands, of towering mountains and endless forests, of cities with towering spires that seemed to touch the sky. And through those pages, I could imagine myself in those places, running free and healthy. It was the greatest treasure I ever had. It gave me hope, something to hold on to during the long, painful nights. When I started reading it, I cried tears of joy at all the wonderful things in the world.

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