Chapter 13: Asgard

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A few days after the group set out onto the road.

After the group had settled for the night, Hera made her way to the girls' tent, her footsteps soft against the forest floor. There, she sought out Aki, her heart heavy with the weight of responsibility.

"Aki," Hera's voice was gentle yet firm as she addressed the young girl, her eyes reflecting the firelight's dance. " I know you said you wanted to join my familia but we have yet to give you a falna, are you ready for that now?"

Aki's response was hesitant, a mixture of nerves and anticipation evident in her voice. "Yes, Lady Hera. I am ready."

"Good," Hera nodded, a hint of warmth touching her expression. "Now, take a seat, and I shall bestow my blessing upon you."

Aki complied silently, her movements betraying the uncertainty that lingered within her. As Hera prepared, the air seemed to thicken with anticipation. With deliberate care, Hera pricked her fingers, a single drop of crimson welling forth—a symbol of the bond they were about to forge.

The atmosphere hummed with solemnity as Hera began to inscribe her Falna upon Aki's skin, the lines etched with purpose and meaning. Yet, as her hand moved, a fleeting moment of hesitation seized her—a pause in the rhythm of her actions.

In that moment, Aki's skill materialized, a manifestation of her potential and her destiny intertwined. It was a skill unlike any Hera had encountered before, its very essence a testament to the unpredictability of Genkai:

Anakitty Autumn

Demi-Human Cat Person

Age: 9
Lvl 1
Strength: I-0
Endurance: I-0
Dexterity: I-0
Agility: I-0
Magic: I-0




Guardianship Presence

Exponential status growth when seeking to defend family.

Or in the face of what the user has deemed to be evil.

Raises user's base status in an exponential curve the longer a fight goes on.

The curve is related to the number of people that the user is defending.

A unique skill—a rarity that Hera had encountered only in a handful of her children over the last 1,000 years. With practiced precision, Hera completed the update, her mind already racing with the implications of what lay before her. Leading Aki outside the tent, she called for Alice, her voice tinged with a gravity that demanded attention.

"Alice, come here. It's time to update your status. Zeus, do the same for Bell," Hera's command rang out, the weight of her words underscoring the urgency of the moment.

Zeus complied, his usually composed demeanor betraying a hint of unease at Hera's uncharacteristic seriousness. "Alright, come here, Bell. Let's see what your status is like," Zeus spoke, his voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

"Okay," the twins responded in unison, their expressions reflecting a blend of anticipation and uncertainty as they approach.

As Zeus began to update Bell's status, in the blink of an eye, his jaw fell open in shock, the realization of what he beheld etched across his features.

A Light Amidst the Darkness: A Danmachi Dark World TaleWhere stories live. Discover now