Chapter 1: Departure and Exile

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So this is simply a re-write of the original story. I did a lot of trimming and editing but nothing really changed plot-wise.


The arrival of the last of the Three Great Quests heralded a momentous occasion, casting a palpable air of both anticipation and trepidation across the vast expanse of the land. This was the ultimate endeavor—the subjugation of the King of Monsters, the living embodiment of apocalypse and the very essence of nightmares. The realm teetered on the precipice of destiny, with hearts intertwining with hope and fear alike, as the valiant heroes of Zeus and Hera Familias prepared to confront the unimaginable.

This quest transcended the ordinary; it was a clash of legends, an embodiment of courage pitted against the essence of terror itself. The horizon quivered under the weight of the impending confrontation, and the world held its collective breath in the face of an adversary that defied mortal comprehension.

On the eve of the Familias' departure, a poignant sense of bittersweet anticipation permeated the air. Meteria and her beloved, their hearts burdened by the impending separation, sought solace in each other's arms. Moonlight spilled through the window, casting a tender glow upon their intertwined fingers and the whispered promises exchanged. With every touch and shared gaze, they silently pledged to endure the distance and return to each other's embrace.

As the night unfolded, Meteria's fingers traced the contours of her lover's face, committing every detail to memory. She marveled at the rubellite eyes that held a fusion of determination and vulnerability, his lips articulating commitments that wove the sweetest melody her ears could ask for.

"You and the children are my anchor," he declared, his voice a tender caress. "I'll brave the storm and conquer whatever challenges lie ahead, so that when I return, we can build a life of happiness."

Their hearts swelled with the weight of unspoken emotions, and in that fleeting moment, Meteria could almost believe that time could stand still. Laughter echoed in the room, accompanied by the innocent patter of tiny feet as Bell and Alice rushed in, their faces mirroring a myriad of emotions. The children's arms enveloped their father, their hugs serving as a testament to the love that bound their family.

"Promise you'll come back," Meteria whispered, her voice a fragile plea.

"I promise," he replied, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears.

And so, as the day of departure dawned, amidst tearful farewells, the heroes embarked on a quest that would etch their names into the annals of legend. The destiny of the realm hung in the balance, and Meteria clung to the promise of reunion, a flicker of hope against the encroaching shadows of uncertainty.

The day of parting came, with tearful goodbyes and lingering embraces. Meteria clung to her love, feeling his heartbeat against her chest. Their lips met in a promise—a farewell sealed with love. Little did she know, fate had no plans of turning back.

Days slid into weeks, and weeks into months, each moment a reminder of his absence. Sunsets painted the sky, mirroring the warmth she missed. Meteria clung to memories, tracing her own face in the mirror, trying to recreate the touch she yearned for.

Then, news struck Orario and Meteria's heart shattered—her love, father of her children, fallen against the One-Eyed Black Dragon. The Familias, presumed lost, drowned her in waves of grief and unspoken words.

Tragedy's shadow fell mercilessly tearing through those that had remained behind of the Zeus and Hera Familia. Once proud, the familias now lay shattered and grief-stricken. The two greatest Familias had fallen while the King of Monsters still held what appeared to be an unassailable dominion over the world.

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