Chapter 14: Meeting Odin and Frigga

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So this story is now all caught up and revised. So here is new chapter for everyone.

As they approached the gates of Asgard, the children in the wagon were beside themselves with excitement. Their young bodies couldn't contain their joy, and they bounced up and down in the wooden bed, their laughter echoing throughout the countryside. Alice, the most spirited of the bunch, leaned over the edge of the wagon, her white hair flying in the wind as she strained to see the magnificent city ahead. But she was quickly pulled back by the stern hand of Alfia, who delivered a gentle tap to the top of her head.

"No leaning out, Alice," Alfia scolded. "It's dangerous."

Alice pouted and rubbed her the top of head, but she obediently sat back down, her eyes still wide and sparkling with excitement. Bell and Aki, sensing Alfia's disapproving gaze upon them, also settled down, though their energy still hummed in the air.

As they drew closer to the gates, the grandeur of Asgard became more evident. The city walls rose high and imposing. The wagon eventually came to a halt at the imposing gates of Asgard, guarded by a stern-faced sentry. The group was met with cautious stares as they were quickly ushered through the gates, surrounded by a small escort of armored guards, and lead through the city. A messenger had been dispatched ahead to announce their arrival, and the group proceeded through the bustling city towards the grand palace.

The city was even more breathtaking than they could have imagined. The streets were lined with towering buildings made of wood and stone, sparkling in the midday sun. Marble statues and fountains adorned every corner, and the air was filled with the sounds of music and laughter. The children gazed wide-eyed at everything around them, taking in every detail with wonder and amazement.

The children's eyes widened in awe as they saw bustling streets filled with merchants and citizens going about their day. Their ears were filled with the sounds of horses' hooves clattering against cobblestone and vendors calling out their wares. They passed by vendors selling colorful fruits and vegetables, musicians playing lively tunes, and crowds of people bustling about their daily business. Everywhere they looked, there were signs of prosperity and enchantment.

The residents of Asgard moved out of the way as the group made their way through the streets. The guards lead them towards the magnificent palace at the center of Asgard. The towering Hall of Valhalla gleamed in the warm sunlight, their golden gates adorned with intricate carvings of brave warriors and fearsome creatures. As the group drew closer, the children couldn't help but gasp in awe at the grandeur of it all.

Alfia, smiled as she led them up the steps towards the entrance. "Just wait until you see what's inside," she said. "But first, we must present ourselves to Odin and Frigga."

The group was led into a grand hall lined with columns and adorned with tapestries depicting scenes from Asgard's founding. Inside, the halls that stretched far and wide each was adorned with tapestries depicting the valorous deeds of warriors' past. Sunlight streamed through stained glass windows, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the marble floors.

The Allfather, Odin, sat upon Hildskialf, his throne of gleaming silver, as his gaze surveyed the group. Cloaked in regal robes that were adorned with symbols of his authority, he emanated an aura of majestic strength and vast knowledge. Two mortal ravens named Huginn and Muninn perched upon his massive shoulders, their sharp eyes missing nothing that transpires within the hall.

Beside him stood Frigga, the Queen of Asgard, her presence as commanding as her husband's. Her golden hair cascaded like molten gold, framing a face that combined beauty and grace. Clad in garments woven with the finest threads of Asgard, she exuded an air of calm and peace. Adoring her neck and several of her fingers were different sets of jewelry each one having a understated elegance and refinement.

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